
Demo for PM2/Keymetrics integration for AWS with simple express server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Using PM2/Keymetrics in AWS Elastic Beanstalk

  • Clone the repo and change directory to it
  • Log in with the AWS Elastic Beanstalk CLI, select a region, and create an app: eb init
  • Create an environment and pass in Keymetrics public/secret key: eb create --envvars KEYMETRICS_PUBLIC=<replace with public key>,KEYMETRICS_SECRET=<replace with secret key>

You should have an express app running and saying Hello World! and printing a message to the console via pm2.

In the Beanstalk logs, you should see pm2 starting and streaming the application startup output: pm2-beanstalk listening!.

The application appears in your Keymetrics dashboard with the ip of the machine as server name.