
🎧 🎶 📲 A simple React Spotify Demo app for azPHP Meetup– January 2018

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Spotify Demo Logo

🎧 🎶 📲 React Spotify Demo

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1j2XzhgTDBZifZVuJvqBK7iOA26Xy3xUwcuRGNblRygU/edit?usp=sharing

App flow:

  1. Intro

  2. Login

  3. Search box / search results

  4. Artist

  5. Album

  6. Song

Getting Started

  • Have node/npm installed on your machine
  • Clone the repository
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Run npm start to run app
  • Check your browser at http://localhost:3000


React Spotify Demo was built as a proof-of-concept by Chris Heninger (@chrisheninger) for the January 2018 azPHP Meetup.

This project is sponsored by iGravity Studios– a custom software shop with an emphasis on UI/UX development using React.js– based in Phoenix, Arizona.

Additional Documentation

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. For information on how to perform common tasks, refer to the latest version of the guide here.

This project utilizes the Spotify Web API.