
An AWS Lambda in a single binary file

Primary LanguageClojureOtherNOASSERTION


A small framework to run AWS Lambdas compiled with Native Image.

Table of Contents

Motivation & Benefits

There are a lot of Lambda Clojure libraries so far: a quick search on Clojars gives several screens of them. What is the point of making a new one? Well, because none of the existing libraries covers my requirements, namely:

  • I want a framework free from any Java SDK, but pure Clojure only.
  • I want it to compile into a single binary file so no environment is needed.
  • The deployment process must be extremely simple.

As the result, this framework:

  • Depends only on Http Kit and Cheshire to interact with AWS;
  • Provides an endless loop that consumes events from AWS and handles them. You only submit a function that processes an event.
  • Provides a Ring middleware that turns HTTP events into a Ring handler. Thus, you can easily serve HTTP requests with Ring stack.
  • Has a built-in logging facility.
  • Provides a bunch of Make commands to build a zipped bootstrap file.



[com.github.igrishaev/lambda "0.1.1"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn

com.github.igrishaev/lambda {:mvn/version "0.1.1"}

Writing Your Lambda

Prepare The Code

Create a core module with the following code:

(ns demo.core
   [lambda.log :as log]
   [lambda.main :as main])

(defn handler [event]
  (log/infof "Event is: %s" event)
  (process-event ...)
  {:result [42]})

(defn -main [& _]
  (main/run handler))

The handler function takes a single argument which is a parsed Lambda payload. The lambda.log namespace provides debugf, infof, and errorf macros for logging. In the -main function you start an endless cycle by calling the run function.

On each step of this cycle, the framework fetches a new event, processes it with the passed handler and submits the result to AWS. Should the handler fail, it catches an exception and reports it as well without interrupt the cycle. Thus, you don't need to try/catch in your handler.

Compile It

Once you have the code, compile it with GraalVM and Native image. The Makefile of this repository has all the targets you need. You can borrow them with slight changes. Here are the basic definitions:

NI_TAG = ghcr.io/graalvm/native-image:22.2.0

JAR = target/uberjar/bootstrap.jar

PWD = $(shell pwd)

	--initialize-at-build-time \
	--report-unsupported-elements-at-runtime \
	--no-fallback \
	-jar ${JAR} \
	-J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \
	--enable-http \
	--enable-https \
	-H:+PrintClassInitialization \
	-H:+ReportExceptionStackTraces \
	-H:Log=registerResource \

	lein <...> uberjar

	zip -j bootstrap.zip bootstrap

Pay attention to the following:

  • Ensure the jar name is set to bootstrap.jar in your project. This might be done by setting these in your project.clj:
{:target-path "target/uberjar"
 :uberjar-name "bootstrap.jar"}
  • The NI_ARGS might be extended with resources, e.g. if you want an EDN config file baked into the binary file.

Then compile the project either on Linux natively or with Docker.

Linux (Local Build)

On Linux, add the following Make targets:

	native-image ${NI_ARGS}

build-binary-local: ${JAR} graal-build

bootstrap-local: uberjar build-binary-local bootstrap-zip

Then run make bootstrap-local. You'll get a file called bootstrap.zip with a single binary file bootstrap inside.

On MacOS (Docker)

On MacOS, add these targets:

build-binary-docker: ${JAR}
	docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/build -w /build ${NI_TAG} ${NI_ARGS}

bootstrap-docker: uberjar build-binary-docker bootstrap-zip

Run make bootstrap-docker to get the same file but compiled in a Docker image.

Create a Lambda in AWS

Create a Lambda function in AWS. For the runtime, choose a custom one called provided.al2 which is based on Amazon Linux 2. The architecture (x86_64/arm64) should match the architecture of your machine. For example, as I build the project on Mac M1, I choose arm64.

Deploy and Test It

Upload the bootstrap.zip file from your machine to the lambda. With no compression, the bootstrap file takes 25 megabytes. In zip, it's about 9 megabytes so you can skip uploading it to S3 first.

Test you Lambda in the console to ensure it works.

Ring Handler for HTTP Requests

The framework can turn HTTP events into Ring maps. There is a middleware that transforms a your handler into a Ring handler. In the example below, pay attention to the ring/wrap-ring-event middleware on top of the stack. It's responsible for turning an event map into Ring and back. Right after ring/wrap-ring-event, feel free to add any Ring middleware for POST parameters, JSON, and so on.

(ns demo.core
   [lambda.ring :as ring]
   [lambda.main :as main]
   [ring.middleware.json :refer [wrap-json-body wrap-json-response]]
   [ring.middleware.keyword-params :refer [wrap-keyword-params]]
   [ring.middleware.params :refer [wrap-params]])

(defn handler [request]
  (let [{:keys [request-method

    {:status 200
     :body {:some {:data [1 2 3]}}}))

(def fn-event
  (-> handler
      (wrap-json-body {:keywords? true})

(defn -main [& _]
  (main/run fn-event))

Sharing the State Between Events

In AWS, a Lambda can process several events if they happen in series. Thus, it's useful to preserve the state between the handler calls. A state can be a config map read from a resource or an open connection to some resource.

An easy way to share the state is to close your handler function over some variables. In this case, the handler is not a plain function but a function that returns a function:

(defn process-event [db event]
  (jdbc/with-transaction [tx db]
    (jdbc/insert! tx ...)
    (jdbc/delete! tx ...)))

(defn make-handler []

  (let [config
        (-> "config.edn"

        (jdbc/get-connection (:db config))]

    (fn [event]
      (process-event db event))))

(defn -main [& _]
  (let [handler (make-handler)]
    (main/run handler)))

The make-handler call builds a function closed over the db variable which holds a persistent connection to a database. Under the hood, it calls the process-event function which accepts the db as an argument. The connection stays persistent and won't be created from scratch every time you process an event. This, of course, applies only to a case when you have multiple events served in series.