
A small wrapper on top of Java 21 virtual threads

Primary LanguageClojureOtherNOASSERTION


A small wrapper on top of virtual threads introduced in Java 21.


The recent release of Java 21 introduced virtual threads to the scene. It's a nice feature that allows you to run imperative code, such as it was written in an asynchronous way. This library is a naive attempt to gain something from the virtual threads.



[com.github.igrishaev/virtuoso "0.1.0"]


{com.github.igrishaev/virtuoso {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}}


First, import the library:

(require '[virtuoso.core :as v])


The with-executor wraps a block of code binding a new instance of VirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor to the passed symbol:

(v/with-executor [exe]
  (do-this ...)
  (do-that ...))

Above, the executor is bound to the exe symbol. Exiting from the macro will trigger closing the executor, which, in turn, leads to blocking until all the tasks sent to it are complete. The with-executor macro, although it might be used on your code, is instead a building material for other macros.


The future-via macro spawns a new virtual future through a previously open executor. You can generate as many futures as you want due to the nature of virtual threads: there might be millions of them.

(v/with-executor [exe]
  (let [f1 (v/future-via exe
             (do-this ...))
        f2 (v/future-via exe
             (do-that ...))]
    [@f1 @f2]))

Virtual futures give performance gain only when the code they wrap makes IO. Instead, if you run CPU-based computations in virtual threads, the performance suffers due to continuations and moving the stack trace from the stack to the heap and back.


The futures macro takes a series of forms. It spawns a new virtual thread executor and wraps each form into a future bound to that executor. The result is a vector of Future objects. To obtain values, pass the result through (map/mapv deref ...):

(let [futs
       (io-heavy-task-1 ...)
       (io-heavy-task-2 ...)
       (io-heavy-task-3 ...))]
  (mapv deref futs))

Right before you exit the macro, it closes the executor, which leads to blicking until all the tasks are complete.

Pay attention that deref-ing a failed future leads to throwing an exception. That's why the macro doesn't dereference the futures for you, as it doesn't know how to handle errors. But if you don't care about exception handling, there is a futures! macro that does it for you:

  (io-heavy-task-1 ...)
  (io-heavy-task-2 ...)
  (io-heavy-task-3 ...))

The result will be vector of dereferenced values.


The thread macro spawns and starts a new virtual thread using the (Thread/ofVirtual) call. Threads in Java do not return values; they can only be join-ed or interrupted. Use this macro when interested in a Thread object but not the result.

(let [thread1
        (some-long-task ...))

        (some-long-task ...))]

  (.join thread1)
  (.join thread2))


The pmap function acts like the standard clojure.core/pmap: it takes a function and a collection (or more collections). It opens a new virtual executor and submits each calculation step to the executor. The result is a vector of futures. The function closes the executor afterwards, blocking until all the tasks are complete.

(let [futs
      (v/pmap get-user-from-api [1 2 3])]
  (mapv deref futs))


(let [futs
      (v/pmap get-some-entity                ;; assuming it accepts id and status
              [1 2 3]                        ;; ids
              ["active" "pending" "deleted"] ;; statuses
  (mapv deref futs))

The pmap! version of this function dereferences all the results for you with no exception handling:

(v/pmap! get-user-from-api [1 2 3])
;; [{:id 1...}, {:id 2...}, {:id 3...}]


The each macro is a wrapper on top of pmap. It binds each item from a collection to a given symbol and submits a code block into a virtual executor. The result is a vector of futures; exiting the macro closes the executor.

(let [futs
      (v/each [id [1 2 3]]
          (get-entity-by-id id)
          (catch Throwable e
            (log/error e ...))))]
  (is (= [{...}, {...}, {...}] (mapv deref futs))))

The each! macro acts the same but dereferences all the futures with no error handling.


There is a development dev/src/bench.clj file with some trivial measurements. Imagine you want to download 100 of URLs. You can do it sequentially with mapv, semi-parallel with pmap, and fully parallel with pmap from this library. Here are the timings made on my machine:

  (map download URLS)))
"Elapsed time: 45846.601717 msecs"

  (pmap download URLS)))
"Elapsed time: 3343.254302 msecs"

  (v/pmap! download URLS)))
"Elapsed time: 1452.514165 msecs"

45, 3.3, and 1.4 seconds favour the virtual threads approach.

Links and Resources

The following links helped me a lot to dive into virtual threads, and I highly recommend reading and watching them:


Copyright © 2023 Ivan Grishaev

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.