This is the source for DGBMAX. It's not written very clean, I'm sorry for that.
If you want to compile it you first need Delphi 3.0. Then do the following:
- Install the components (you don't need all components in, it's just my whole components-directory).
- Unzip the units. Include them in the search-path.
- Compile !
I also included the ROM Manager which I used to create the INI-file (Big g to all who thought I edited that large text-file by hand :). Enter the ROM-Info, hit "Create INI-file" and you've got your INI.
I hope someone will get it to work with Win2k/XP (the most requested feature) or whatever. I'd be very glad to see a linux-port as I'm not using Windows any longer ;). GBA-support is very requested too.
If you've got questions about the source, drop me a mail (
I put DGBMAX under the GPL which is included in this ZIP as GPL.TXT.
DGBMAX is everything in DGBMAX.ZIP, GB.ZIP, and XCHANGER.PAS in UNITS.ZIP. Everything else is copyright by the respective owners. GBT15.C is copyright by BUNG, most of the components are downloaded from
As always, I'm not responsible for any damage caused by this software, even if it burns your hardware. This is not the usual disclaimer, DGBMAX has some hardware-level functions (directly programs LPT-registers). If you do something wrong you may do damage to your hardware, especially to your parallel port or your X-Changer !
Big thanks to all who supported DGBMAX !