
crossword game for terminal

Primary LanguageGo


bingo is a crossword game for terminal. it uses quackle as the engine.


requires recent version of Go, Qt4 QtCore headers and SWIG 3.0.6 or higher.

go get -u github.com/igungor/bingo

how to play

human vs. cpu. cpu always wins!

  • input box accepts quackle-format
    • H2 NABER means start from H2 and place the word NABER from top to bottom.
    • 3B HELO means start from 3B and place the word HELO from left to right.
    • words must be typed in all uppercase, except jokers.
    • jokers must be typed in lowercase. n is the joker letter for move 4F CAMEKAn.
    • type - to pass your turn.
    • use . if a letter of the word you type is already on the board.


key description
ctrl-t toggles multipliers and scores
ctrl-f fill the input box with a highscore move
ctrl-s shuffles the rack
ctrl-l toggles legend
ctrl-c,esc quit the game




same as the quackle license. see LICENSE