
Wercker step to delete a file from Amazon S3

Primary LanguageShell


Wercker step to delete a file from Amazon S3.

You can use application and deployment variables in wercker.


  • key-id (required) The Amazon Access key that will be used for authorization.
  • key-secret (required) The Amazon Access secret that will be used for authorization.
  • url (required) The S3 URL denoting the file's destination.
  • recursive (optional) Recursively deletes the url if the destination is a directory.


- s3del:
    key-id:     $KEY
    key-secret: $SECRET
    url:        s3://mybucket/myproject-latest.tar.gz

- s3del:
    key-id:     $KEY
    key-secret: $SECRET
    recursive:  true
    url:        s3://mybucket/myproject/