Pipeline for building text classification TF-IDF + LogReg baselines using sklearn.
Instead of writing custom code for specific text classification task, you just need:
- install pipeline:
pip install text-classification-baseline
run pipeline:
- either in terminal:
text-clf --config config.yaml
- or in python:
import text_clf text_clf.train(path_to_config="config.yaml")
No data preparation is needed, only a csv file with two raw columns (with arbitrary names):
NOTE: the target can be presented in any format, including text - not necessarily integers from 0 to n_classes-1.
The user interface consists of only one file config.yaml.
Change config.yaml to create the desired configuration and train text classification model.
Default config.yaml:
seed: 42
verbose: true
path_to_save_folder: models
# data
train_data_path: data/train.csv
valid_data_path: data/valid.csv
sep: ','
text_column: text
target_column: target_name_short
# tf-idf
lowercase: true
ngram_range: (1, 1)
max_df: 1.0
min_df: 0.0
# logreg
penalty: l2
C: 1.0
class_weight: balanced
solver: saga
multi_class: auto
n_jobs: -1
After training the model, the pipeline will return the following files:
- sklearn pipeline with TF-IDF and LogReg stepstarget_names.json
- mapping from encoded target labels from 0 to n_classes-1 to it namesconfig.yaml
- config that was used to train the modellogging.txt
- logging file
Python >= 3.7
If you use text-classification-baseline in a scientific publication, we would appreciate references to the following BibTex entry:
author = {El-Ayyass, Dani},
title = {Pipeline for training text classification baselines},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/dayyass/text-classification-baseline}},
year = {2021}