
Implementations of clustering algorithms

Primary LanguageScala


Clusterer is a repository containing several implementations of clustering algorithms. Each implementations will contain the data sets that will have served as test and well as anything else that will faciliate a greater description of the each algorithms.

Akka: Akka Framework

logo: the http://akka.io/resources/images/akka_full_color.svg "Akka"

All implementations are done in Scala and implementated using the Akka Framework. The Akka framework uses the Actor Sytem to implement concurrent and asynchronous systems. The clustering algorithms are computed as concurrently as possible.

Spray Can: Spray Fraemwork

Spray is http client fraework that sits on top of Akka to send and recieve http requests. In Clusterer, we use Spray to send data to clients to render the data computed by the algorithms to a web browser.

###Hirarchaelcal Clustering Algorithm Implementation

A hirarchaecal clustering algorithm is a machine learning algorithm that compares vectors of data using a distance metric in order to discover relationships bwteen data based on their similarity. The vectors serve as numerical information, such as weight and height, that help characterize the objects in which we would like to find relationships. We then use distance metrics (Eucledian distance, Pearson correlation score e.t.c) to characterize these relationships.