
Following Dapp University's tutorial on creating a Social Network on the Blockchain.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Social Network on the Blockchain

Tutorial Video

Run Migrations

truffle migrate

View Deployment

truffle console
> contract = await SocialNetwork.deployed()
> contract
> contract.address
> name = await contract.name()
> name

Deploy Contract

truffle migrate --reset


Install Ganache and run it

It will give you an RPC server URL Eg. HTTP://

Set up a new network on MetaMask for Ganache and put the Chain ID as 1337 (the default for Ganache)

Switch to the Ganache network and check the console log to see your network ID (it should match the one in Ganache)

Importing Accounts from Ganache to MetaMask

Copy the private keys from the first 3 Ganache accounts (the ones we are using in this project) and go to Metamask and import the accounts individually. You can name them respectively: Deployer, Poster and Tipper.

Manually Run a Contract Method from Truffle Console

Eg. Write a Post

truffle console
sn = await SocialNetwork.deployed()
await sn.createPost('This is my first post!')