task-homie is a tiny Windows applet that completely hides auto-hidden taskbars, such that the edge of the screen containing the taskbar is no longer a giant unusable ~ danger zone ~. __ /..\ \_O/ Usage: Acquire win2k+. Run task-homie.exe. Aggressively smash the left or right windows key to summon the taskbar and start menu. Build: Get a recent copy of premake 4 and a copy of Visual Studio 2013. Punch your keyboard until an executable comes out. Known Issues: task-homie leaks two USER handles every time it receives a "TaskbarCreated" broadcast message if the hooking target thread no longer exists (this can happen if explorer crashes/is terminated and is later restarted). When this happens, the "UnhookWindowsHookEx" call fails without modifying the last-error code. As a workaround, task-homie will restart on receipt of a "TaskbarCreated" message. C++? :( I regret having contributed to the existence of more C++ software (I initially wrote this in F#), but starting the entire .NET RTS in the hook target process for a hook as trivial as this is overkill!