
MySQL point in time recovery using binary logs

Primary LanguageGo


MySQL point in time recovery is based on replication logs (binary logs). Full backup with GTID configured could be restored from mysqldump/mydumper/mysqlshell dump/restore or full filesystem copy while the database is not running. Up to date changes are applied from binary logs. The program uses Howto make MySQL point-in-time recovery faster ? method to apply binary logs. You can specify the directory with binary logs and optional tar.gz or tar.* file with data directory archive.


go build .

Using existing data directory

[root@ihanick-default mysql_pitr_restore]# systemctl stop mysql
[root@ihanick-default mysql_pitr_restore]# rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/ ; tar -C / -xaf /root/full-backup.tar.gz ; systemctl start mysql
[root@ihanick-default mysql_pitr_restore]# ./mysql_pitr_restore --binlog-directory=/root/mysql

2022/04/14 20:19:53 mysqld --verbose --help
2022/04/14 20:19:53 Using existing database
2022/04/14 20:19:53 Relay log index file ihanick-default-relay-bin.index
2022/04/14 20:19:58 chown mysql -R /var/lib/mysql/
2022/04/14 20:19:58 mysql -e 'CHANGE MASTER TO RELAY_LOG_FILE='"'"'mysql1-relay-bin.000001'"'"', RELAY_LOG_POS=1, MASTER_HOST='"'"'dummy'"'"' FOR CHANNEL '"'"''"'"';START SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '"'"''"'"''

Using tar.gz archive (or any tar.XX)

[root@ihanick-default mysql_pitr_restore]# go build . && ./mysql_pitr_restore --backup-tar=/root/full-backup.tar.gz --binlog-directory=/root/mysql
2022/04/14 20:18:59 mysqld --verbose --help
2022/04/14 20:18:59 systemctl stop mysql
2022/04/14 20:19:01 rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/
2022/04/14 20:19:01 tar -C / -xaf /root/full-backup.tar.gz
2022/04/14 20:19:02 systemctl start mysql
2022/04/14 20:19:04 Relay log index file ihanick-default-relay-bin.index
2022/04/14 20:19:10 chown mysql -R /var/lib/mysql/
2022/04/14 20:19:10 mysql -e 'CHANGE MASTER TO RELAY_LOG_FILE='"'"'mysql1-relay-bin.000001'"'"', RELAY_LOG_POS=1, MASTER_HOST='"'"'dummy'"'"' FOR CHANNEL '"'"''"'"';START SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '"'"''"'"''

Download backup from S3 storage

Backups should be uploaded to S3 with xbcloud. Use xbcloud and xbstream to download backup. Please install appropriate xtrabackup version.

./mysql_pitr_restore --binlog-directory=/root/binlogs \
  --storage=s3 \
  --s3-region=us-east-1 \
  --s3-endpoint=minio-service.default.svc.cluster.local:9000 \
  --s3-access-key=REPLACE-WITH-AWS-ACCESS-KEY \
  --s3-secret-key=REPLACE-WITH-AWS-SECRET-KEY \
  --s3-bucket=operator-testing \
  --s3-bucket-lookup=path \

Getting binary logs created by Percona Kubernetes Operator for PXC

./mysql_pitr_restore \
  --binlog-directory=/root/binlogs1 \
  --storage=s3 --s3-region=us-east-1 \
  --s3-endpoint=minio-service.default.svc.cluster.local:9000 \
  --s3-access-key=REPLACE-WITH-AWS-ACCESS-KEY \
  --s3-secret-key=REPLACE-WITH-AWS-SECRET-KEY \
  --s3-bucket=operator-testing \
  --s3-bucket-lookup=path \
  --s3-backup-directory=cluster1-2022-04-15-00:18:49-full \
  --binlog-s3-endpoint=minio-service.default.svc.cluster.local:9000 \
  --binlog-s3-bucket=operator-testing \
  --binlog-s3-access-key=REPLACE-WITH-AWS-ACCESS-KEY \