
GTK widget to see and control Thinkpad fan speed and CPU temperature

Primary LanguagePython

GTK application indicator widget for core temperature and fanspeed on Thinkpads


Fan control and temperature sensors

You must enable the option in the thinkpad_acpi driver to allow fan speed control, and you must install the lm-sensors package and set up the coretemp driver. Then reboot.

sudo sh -c "echo 'options thinkpad_acpi fan_control=1' > /etc/modprobe.d/thinkpad_acpi.conf"
sudo chown root:root /etc/modprobe.d/thinkpad_acpi.conf
sudo chmod 644 /etc/modprobe.d/thinkpad_acpi.conf

sudo apt install lm-sensors
sudo sensors-detect

sudo reboot

Python environment

This uses the system installation of Python 3, though you could run it in a virtualenv if you wanted.

sudo apt install python3-gi python3-gi-cairo gir1.2-gtk-3.0 libappindicator3-dev

Build the binary

This widget uses a setuid binary to poke the fan speed in /proc/acpi/ibm/fan The widget itself does not run with elevated permissions, and the binary is pretty minimal; you can read the source yourself to verify.


To run

Assuming you're running using the system Python,

/usr/bin/python3 widget.py