
Build Status

A basic docker image for C++ developers, featuring g++ (from 7.x up to 8.x) and clang++ (from 4 to 7), CMake, Conan. The default compiler is g++ 7, but you're free to modify the Dockerfile and set your own; as example, if you want to set g++ 4.9 as the default compiler, just write the following Dockerfile and build a new image: The project was insired by madduci/docker-linux-cpp (, but based on alpine 18.04

As default working directory, /project is being used, but feel free to change it.


  • Docker (possibly the latest version, 17.06+)

Build/Run instructions

You can just type in your terminal:

docker pull ihar77/base-docker-alpine-gcc-clang-cmake-conan or docker pull ihar77/project-docker-alpine-gcc-clang-cmake-conan

to use my docker image or, in case of adjustments to the Dockerfile, just type:

docker run --rm -it -v /your/folder:/project ihar77/project-docker-alpine-gcc-clang-cmake-conan my_file.cpp