
Ice Lolly spec test

Primary LanguageCSS

Icelolly JavaScript Tech Test


Recreate the functionality of the Airport selector in the search bar of the icelolly.com site. You should aim to spend no more than two hours on this test.


  • No external JavaScript libraries should be used.
  • You should use the provided index.html file as a starting point.

Acceptance criteria

  • The Airport dialog should be populated using the contents of the hidden select box with ID airport.

    • Note that some deduplication will be required, as some airports appear in more than one airport group.
    • Note also that although example HTML has been provided to arrange checkboxes in a grid, this may be replaced with alternative HTML if required.
  • Clicking on any airport or airport group tickbox should update other airport and airport group tickboxes as per the implementation on the live icelolly.com site.

    • There are a number of subtle behaviours in relation to ticking/unticking that should ideally be captured as part of your implementation.
  • The 'Deselect all' link should untick all selected airports and tick the 'Any airport' option.

  • The 'x airports selected' caption alongside the 'Deselect all' (with ID airport-count) link should be updated appropriately as airports are selected and deselected.

For further clarification regarding any of these acceptance criteria, please see the existing implementation on the icelolly website.

Out of scope

The following are behaviours that occur on the live icelolly.com site but don't need to be implemented as part of this test:

  • Opening and closing of the Airport dialog.
  • Updating of the text box contents (with ID airport-caption) below the 'Airport' label.