
A simple ExpressJS file-hosting server with ShareX compatibility in mind | Mirror: https://git.ihateani.me/ihateani-me/ihacdn-server-ts

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ihaCDN (TypeScript)

Status Uptime (7 days)

A simple file hosting using ExpressJS.
This is a port of Python version with Sanic Framework right here: ihacdn-server
Currently running on: https://p.ihateani.me/


  • Image/Files/Text support with blacklisting.
  • Auto determining if it's text or files without user defining itself.
  • Filesize limit support. [Can be disabled.]
  • Customizable.
  • Code highlighting support via highlight.js
  • Shortlink generation support
  • You don't need the extension to access your files/code
  • You could manually set what hljs should use by adding extension to the url
  • File retention support
    Formula: min_days + (-max_days + min_days) * (file_size / filesize_limit - 1) ** 5
  • Discord Webhook Notification Support

Using the filehosting.

There's 2 POST endpoint:

  • /upload for image/files/text
  • /short for shortening link.

To upload, you need to provide file with the name file.
To shorten url, you need to use form data with url as the key.

Example with curl:
Uploading files:

curl -X POST -F "file=@yourfile.png" https://p.ihateani.me/upload

Shortening link:

curl -X POST -F "url=http://your.long/ass/url/that/you/want/to/shorten" https://p.ihateani.me/short

Or you could use ShareX and import the provided sxcu files.


What you need:

  • Server with NodeJS 12.0.0+
  • Redis DB
  1. Download NodeJS with minimum version of 12.0.0 and Setup Redis DB (run it as a daemon)
  2. Run npm install
  3. Rename src/config.json.example to src/config.json
  4. Go to Configuration to config stuff first.
  5. Run npm run build
  6. You will get a dist folder which you can use
  7. Copy src/views and src/assets to the dist folder retaining the path (so it will be dist/views and dist/assets)
  8. node dist/server.js, your server will be hosted at


Configure this program by opening src/config.json
You will see a lot of stuff that you could change.

    "hostname": "localhost", // Hostname that will be used.
    "https_mode": false, // Enable HTTPS Mode or not
    "upload_path": "./", // The saved uploads
    "admin_password": "pleasechangethis", // Password for Admin
    "filename_length": 8, // Randomized password length
    "redisdb": {
        "host": "", // Redis Host
        "port": 6379, // Redis Port
        "password": null // Redis password, leave at null if there's none
    "notifier": {
        "enable": true, // This will enable the notifier for a new upload or short
        "discord_webhook": null // discord webhook URL
    "file_retention": {
        "enable": false, // This will enable file retention before being deleted from server
        "min_age": 30, // Minimum age in days before deletion
        "max_age": 180 // Maximum age in days before deletion
    "storage": {
        "filesize_limit": 51200, // Filesize limit for normal user (in kb), leave at null if you don't want any limit
        "admin_filesize_limit": null // Filesize limit for admin (in kb), leave at null if you don't want any limit
    "blocklist": { // Block certain type of file
        "extension": [
        "content_type": [

That's the default settings, you can adjust it what you want.


  • hostname: are your website domain.
  • https_mode: is your website gonna run on https or not.
  • upload_path: where to put your uploads path, recommended to leave it just like that.
  • admin_password: admin password, please modify this.
  • filename_length: the randomized filename length.
  • redisdb
    • host: host/ip address of the Redis Database
    • port: port of the Redis Database
    • password: password of the Redis Database if enabled, leave it as null if there's no password
  • notifier
    • enable: Enable notifier that will notify for a new upload or link shorten
    • discord_webhook: if you want to use discord webhook, add your webhook url here or leave it to null if you don't need it.
  • file_retention
    • enable: Enable file retention that basically will time the file before deletion
    • min_age: Minimum age of file being saved in server (in days)
    • max_age: Minimum age of file being saved in server (in days)
  • storage
    • filesize_limit: upload size limit (in kilobytes) for normal user. (can be set to None for no limit.)
    • admin_filesize_limit: upload size limit (in kilobytes) for someone using admin password (can be set to None for no limit.)
  • blocklist
    • extension: Blocked extension, this will not allow anything with this extension.
    • content_type: Blocked content-type, this will not allow any file with this content-type.

File Retention

[To be written.]


A special script has been added to the root folder named migrate.py
You'll need Python and need to enable the Redis DB, change this line:

settings = {
    "redis": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 6371,
        "password": None
    "diskcache_path": "/var/www/ihacdn/diskcache",
    "new_uploads_path": "/var/www/ihacdn-ts/"  # Don't put the `uploads` or `uploads_admin`

Then please install this via pip:

  • redis
  • diskcached

After that run the script: python3 migrate.py


It's recommended to use something like pm2 for production deployment
This allow for better monitoring and restarting.

So rather than node dist/server.js you would type pm2 start dist/server.js --time.

If you're using Reverse Proxy like Nginx, it's recommended to set client_max_body_size to make sure you can upload large files.
You can either put it on http block on /etc/nginx/nginx.conf or the server block on sites-available conf.


http {
    client_max_body_size 1024M; # This will set the limit to 1 GiB.

External library acknowledgements.

This project use highlight.js for code highlighting.
This project also use highlightjs-line-numbers to add line numbers to generated highlighted code.

This project is licensed with MIT License