Flipper Zero Reaction Game

This is a simple reaction game for the Flipper Zero device. The game is designed to test your reaction times, giving you immediate feedback on how quickly you respond to visual prompts.


  • The game begins with a "Press to start" screen. Press any button to proceed.
  • The screen then displays "Get ready..." as it prepares for the next stage.
  • Without warning, the screen will display "PRESS", accompanied by a blue LED flash and a single vibro sequence.
  • Your task is to press any button as quickly as possible once you see the "PRESS" prompt.
  • If you react too early, before the "PRESS" prompt appears, you lose the game, indicated by a red LED flash and a vibro sequence. You'll also see a "Too soon!" message on the screen.
  • Once you've reacted to the "PRESS" prompt, the game will display your reaction time in milliseconds.
  • To play again, press any button. The game will reset and return to the "Press to start" screen.

Exiting the Game

To exit the game at any time, press the "Back" button.


Follow standard procedures for installing applications on the Flipper Zero.

Enjoy testing your reaction times!