
Primary LanguageJavaScript


You need to install cli globally

$ npm install react-redux-component-cli -g

Default config values

Param Value
compDirPath src/components
hocCompDirPath src/components/HOC
stylesDirPath src/styles
reduxDirPath src/store
middlewaresDirPath src/middlewares
contextDirPath src/contexts


show commands

rrcc show-commands

set custom config

You can change any amount of params value from default config

rrcc config --compDirPath src/comps --hocCompDirPath src/comps/hocs --stylesDirPath src/comps 

reset config to initial values

rrcc reset-config

All 'make' commands accept --dir and --comp arguments. --comp argument is required and is used as a component name and component filename. --dir argument creates a directory with a given name if not exists, can be omitted.

create class component

rrcc make-class-comp --dir Test --comp TestComp

create class component with redux connected

rrcc make-class-comp-with-redux --dir Test --comp TestComp

create context component

rrcc make-context --dir Test --comp TestComp

create functional component

rrcc make-func-comp --dir Test --comp TestComp

create functional component with redux connected

rrcc make-func-comp-with-redux --dir Test --comp TestComp

create HOC component

rrcc make-hoc-comp --dir Test --comp TestComp

create HOC component with redux connected

rrcc make-hoc-comp-with-redux --dir Test --comp TestComp

create redux middleware

rrcc make-redux-middleware --comp TestComp

create redux reducer

rrcc make-redux-reducer --dir Test --comp TestComp

create scss file

rrcc make-scss-file --dir Test --name TestStyles