
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

WARNING: This driver is currently in Beta release and should not be used in performance critical applications.

Outscale Block Storage Unit (BSU) CSI driver


The Outscale Block Storage Unit Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver provides a CSI interface used by Container Orchestrators to manage the lifecycle of 3DS outscale BSU volumes.

CSI Specification Compability Matrix

OSC BSU CSI Driver \ CSI Version v1.2.0
OSC-MIGRATION branch yes


The following CSI gRPC calls are implemented:

  • Controller Service: CreateVolume, DeleteVolume, ControllerPublishVolume, ControllerUnpublishVolume, ControllerGetCapabilities, ControllerExpandVolume, ValidateVolumeCapabilities, CreateSnapshot, DeleteSnapshot, ListSnapshots
  • Node Service: NodeStageVolume, NodeUnstageVolume, NodePublishVolume, NodeUnpublishVolume, NodeExpandVolume, NodeGetCapabilities, NodeGetInfo, NodeGetVolumeStats
  • Identity Service: GetPluginInfo, GetPluginCapabilities, Probe

CreateVolume Parameters

There are several optional parameters that could be passed into CreateVolumeRequest.parameters map:

Parameters Values Default Description
"csi.storage.k8s.io/fsType" xfs, ext2, ext3, ext4 ext4 File system type that will be formatted during volume creation
"type" io1, gp2, standard gp2 BSU volume type
"iopsPerGB" I/O operations per second per GiB. Required when io1 volume type is specified
"encrypted" Not supported
"kmsKeyId" Not supported


  • The parameters are case insensitive.

BSU CSI Driver on Kubernetes

Following sections are Kubernetes specific. If you are Kubernetes user, use followings for driver features, installation steps and examples.

Kubernetes Version Compability Matrix

OSC BSU CSI Driver \ Kubernetes Version v1.19.4
OSC-MIGRATION branch yes

Container Images:

OSC BSU CSI Driver Version Image
OSC-MIGRATION branch outscale/osc-ebs-csi-driver:v0.0.9beta


  • Static Provisioning - create a new or migrating existing BSU volumes, then create persistence volume (PV) from the BSU volume and consume the PV from container using persistence volume claim (PVC).
  • Dynamic Provisioning - uses persistence volume claim (PVC) to request the Kuberenetes to create the BSU volume on behalf of user and consumes the volume from inside container.
  • Mount Option - mount options could be specified in persistence volume (PV) to define how the volume should be mounted.
  • Block Volume (beta since 1.14) - consumes the BSU volume as a raw block device for latency sensitive application eg. MySql
  • Volume Snapshot (beta) - creating volume snapshots and restore volume from snapshot.
  • Volume Resizing - Not supported yet.
  • Volume Encryption - Not supported yet.


  • Get yourself familiar with how to setup Kubernetes on AWS and have a working Kubernetes cluster:
    • To Enable snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 please follow :
    • For k8s version lower than v1.15.4
    • Enable flag --allow-privileged=true for kubelet and kube-apiserver
    • Enable kube-apiserver feature gates --feature-gates=CSINodeInfo=true,CSIDriverRegistry=true,CSIBlockVolume=true,VolumeSnapshotDataSource=true
    • Enable kubelet feature gates --feature-gates=CSINodeInfo=true,CSIDriverRegistry=true,CSIBlockVolume=true


  • pre-installed k8s platform under outscale cloud with 3 masters and 2 workers on vm with tinav2.c2r4p3 type
  • prepare the machine from which you will run deploy the osc bsu csi plugin
  • The bsu csi plugin needs AK/SK to interact with Outscale BSU API, so you can create an AK/SK using an eim user, for example, with a proper permission by attaching a policy like
    # ENV VARS 
    export OSC_REGION=eu-west-2

    ## set the secrets
    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/outscale-dev/osc-bsu-csi-driver/OSC-MIGRATION/deploy/kubernetes/secret.yaml > secret.yaml
    cat secret.yaml | \
        sed "s/secret_key: \"\"/secret_key: \"$OSC_SECRET_KEY\"/g" | \
        sed "s/access_key: \"\"/access_key: \"$OSC_ACCESS_KEY\"/g" > osc-secret.yaml
    /usr/local/bin/kubectl delete -f osc-secret.yaml --namespace=kube-system
    /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f osc-secret.yaml --namespace=kube-system
    ## deploy the pod
    export IMAGE_NAME=outscale/osc-ebs-csi-driver
    export IMAGE_TAG="v0.0.9beta"
    git clone git@github.com:outscale-dev/osc-bsu-csi-driver.git
    cd osc-bsu-csi-driver
    helm uninstall osc-bsu-csi-driver  --namespace kube-system
    helm install osc-bsu-csi-driver ./osc-bsu-csi-driver \
         --namespace kube-system --set enableVolumeScheduling=true \
         --set enableVolumeResizing=true --set enableVolumeSnapshot=true \
         --set region=$OSC_REGION \
        --set image.repository=$IMAGE_NAME \
        --set image.tag=$IMAGE_TAG
    ## Check the pod is running
    kubectl get pods -o wide -A  -n kube-system


Make sure you follow the Prerequisites before the examples:


Please go through CSI Spec and General CSI driver development guideline to get some basic understanding of CSI driver before you start.


  • Golang 1.15.6
  • Ginkgo in your PATH for integration testing and end-to-end testing
  • Docker 18.09.2+ for releasing
  • k8s v1.15.4+
  • helm v3.5.0+


Dependencies are managed through go module. To build the project, first turn on go mod using export GO111MODULE=on, then build the project using: make


  • To execute all unit tests, run: make test
  • To execute e2e single az tests, run:
    cd osc-bsu-csi-driver
    export OSC_ACCESS_KEY=XXXX ; export OSC_SECRET_KEY=XXX ; export E2E_AZ="eu-west-2a"
    make test-e2e-single-az