
Scrapes Router Passwords From http://www.routerpasswords.com ,more then +300 product

Primary LanguagePython



Status: Development

About Pentest-chainsaw project

A bunch of tiny scripts for a lazy pentester ,trying to automize some tasks ,getting easy access to the needed information ,repeat the same process .

What about ''Routerdb'' script !?

Accessing devices using the default credentials is a daily habit for pentester .Routerdb is a python script based on routerpassword website that gather the default username/password for different routers products . You don't need to leave your terminal anymore .

  • 329 Router supported


$ python routerdb.py -h
[*] Get the Routers Default Passwords

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r ROUTER, --router=ROUTER
                        router name
  -l, --list            List of the routers

How to run :

Get the router default password -r option Cisco router

another router

ZTE router

-r option is used to list the available routers products .

329 router available .

ZTE router

How to install

git clone https://github.com/ihebski/Pentest-chainsaw.git
cd Pentest-chainsaw/
pip install -r requirements.txt
python routerdb.py -r <router>

Contribute with us

    [+] AUTOR:        Iheb Ben Salem (ihebski)
    [+] EMAIL:        ihebbensalem.dev@gmail.com
    [+] GITHUB:       https://github.com/ihebski


The MIT License (MIT)