
Automatically post text files to blogger as posts using python.

Primary LanguagePython

Text to Blogger Python Script

This Python script allows you to upload multiple files (txt format) from a folder to blogger. Automatically uploades a set number of (10,000 default) lines per post from any text document to blogger blog. Automatically calculates the lines uploaded previously using an SQL database. Also calculates how many parts are there for each post (if the lines in the text file are larger than set 10,000 amount).


  • Python 3.8

Python packages

  • pickle
  • google_auth_oauthlib.flow
  • googleapiclient.discovery
  • google.auth.transport.requests
  • google_auth_httplib2


Installing dependencies and running the script

  1. Make sure you have Python 3.7 installed on your system
  2. If needed, install pipenv via pip install pipenv
  3. Change to the directory where you installed this script
  4. Run pipenv install to download and install all the dependencies
  5. Run pipenv shell to open a shell with all the dependencies available (you'll need to do this every time you want to run the script)
  6. Now run the script.

Setting up the Script

  1. Download the script
  2. Install all the necessary packages from pip or by downloading them.
  3. Create an API with Google for BLogger API.
  4. Download the API keys (client.json) and put it in the local folder.
  5. Open Config.py and insert the Blog ID from blogger This is the blog the script is going to post to.
  6. Add the files to be uploaded to the folder "FileToPublish".
  7. To run on windows just run the RunPublisher.bat file or on mac run the "Publisher.py"

Obtaining a Google Blogger API key

  1. Obtain a Google Blogger API key (Client ID and Client Secret) by following the instructions on Getting started with Google Blogger REST APIs

NOTE When selecting your application type in Step 4 of "Request an OAuth 2.0 client ID", please select "Other".

  1. Download the credentials as client_secret.json file and save it on the local folder containing this script.