
Computational storage client for EOS

Primary LanguageCMake

CSSClient is a tool to operate computational storage functions implemented in EOS
Developed by CC-IHEP, 2022

Please make sure you are using gcc version 9
git clone https://code.ihep.ac.cn/storage/eoscss/cssclient.git
cd cssclient
mkdir build
cd build
cmake3 ../
make -j 4

#build rpm package

#how to use

  1. first setup EOS_MGM_URL, like export EOS_MGM_URL=root://eosbak02.ihep.ac.cn/
  2. cssclient --help to check the manunal
  3. cssclient -f /eos/user/chyd/data.txt -c sort

Of Course, computational storage in EOS can be used without cssclient, ie, it is fine to use xrootd protocal directly, for example:
xrdcp root://eosbak02.ihep.ac.cn//eos/user/chyd/data.txt?css=sort -