
the php wrapper of openexchangerates

Primary LanguagePHP

OpenExchangeApi wrapper for php

php-openexchangerates-wrapper helps you to make a request to https://openexchangerates.org/api, converting accross currencies with or without api and cache your result into files.


composer require ihfazhillah/php-openexchangerates-wrapper

Getting Started



use OpenExchangeRatesWrapper\OpenExchangeRates;

$oxr = new OpenExchangeRates("YOUR APP ID");

$latest = $oxr->latest();

You can use https instead

$oxr = new OpenExchangeRates("YOUR APP ID", ["https" => true]);

or if you wish, you can add a cache handler to cache your result

use OpenExchangeRatesWrapper\Caches\FileCache;

$fileCache = new FileCache();

$oxr = new OpenExchangeRates("YOUR APP ID", ["cacheHandler" => $fileCache);


new OpenExchangeRates($app_id, $options)

the only required argument for this constructor is $app_id. You need to register into https://openexchangerates.org.

$options : array with cacheHandler or https property. All is optional.




|latest| calling the latest endpoint from openexchangerates|

|historical| call the historical endpoint from openexchangerates. pas YYYY-MM-DD as first argument|

|currencies|call currencies endpoint|

|timeSeries| call timeseries endpoint|

|convert|call convert endpoint. $oxr->convert($value, $from, $to)|


|usage| get your openexchangerates api usage|

|nativeConvert| convert without calling convert endpoint api. $oxr->nativeConvert($value, $to, $from)|


new FileCache($expiredAfter, $path)

All arguments here is optionals. $expiredAfter default is 24 hours. Use hours instead seconds.