- node and tree
- npm install ndtreejs
const ndcls = require('ndtreejs').ndcls const wjson = require('ndtreejs').ndutil.wjson var tree = new ndcls.Root() var nd1 = tree.$append_child() var nd2 = nd1.$append_child() var nd3 = nd1.$append_child() var nd4 = nd3.$append_child() var nd5 = nd4.$add_rsib() var nd6 = nd1.$add_rsib() var nd7 = nd6.$prepend_child() var nd8 = nd6.$append_child() var nd9 = nd6.$append_child() nd9.$append_children(6) tree.$sdfs_repr() [0] : b49510d4-fcd2-4a47-b09c-79b32aad5c4d [1] : a64275db-aa33-4d7e-a301-01dc206a4ed7 [2] : 4633aca6-4829-49f7-978a-737c0465ee4f [3] : 447d5d9b-1f6d-4755-b4df-700608f5a0e6 [4] : ac6e17c1-2f2a-4c02-b7ed-faab1cc4dec4 [5] : be806683-e81b-4386-a8e0-3e09774479b9 [6] : cadd1dac-ec52-4640-9e9d-d68c486ee63f [7] : 244bd3c9-701e-43c9-9622-b9bdd4d32af7 [8] : 8424ee0d-b5a8-4a41-8517-1a561d758f27 [9] : 4f4933d6-7309-4b11-b3c1-586f0d26630b [10] : da9881c7-1cae-49b7-b87e-f00fe6c64506 [11] : fcc05507-fdae-45d8-8523-7780d51d32bb [12] : 5bdf7c5a-39d2-4a3c-9ec7-c16526b91d08 [13] : dff3e119-f8f5-4806-9da1-0dcac907c376 [14] : 9d0f1cee-35c7-4ed4-bf60-967705701d1d [15] : 55b37a55-72d3-4fd2-a36d-c66cc8190d03 wjson('ndict.json',tree.$dump()) var ntree = ndcls.load('ndict.json')
//msg can be anything JS permitted
//src/source can-ONLY be a-node-instance
> nd9
[9e06e363] {}
> nd9.send_to(nd1,"hello,i am nd9")
[9e06e363] {} hello,i am nd9
because currently nodejs event-target have some display-bug,
so the implement did NOT extends the EventTarget directly,
instead, the implement use a internal private , use .et can check it,
"$XXX...XXX__" event-type is reserved for internal using,others are free
var al = tree.$sdfs_srch_action_list()
[ '$fstch' ],
[ '$fstch' ],
[ '$rsib' ],
[ '$fstch' ],
[ '$rsib' ],
[ '$parent', '$parent', '$rsib' ],
[ '$fstch' ],
[ '$rsib' ],
[ '$rsib' ],
[ '$fstch' ],
[ '$rsib' ],
[ '$rsib' ],
[ '$rsib' ],
[ '$rsib' ],
[ '$rsib' ],
[ '$parent', '$parent', '$parent' ]
var ntree = ndcls.build_from_srch_action_list(al)
> ntree.$sdfs_repr()
[0] : 947005fe-70fc-4ee1-b554-4309b448843b
[1] : e4be2505-d3ac-4f2d-bd8b-3dbeacd51c70
[2] : 9d4c2127-0165-4643-b457-db80d1699238
[3] : 03c3e386-47a2-405f-982c-73de645bae92
[4] : 2fe7070b-3a66-49a9-b9a2-17ce819a2eac
[5] : 1514f5df-5226-443d-878b-f9a3f88d9f96
[6] : 94e47fea-004a-4975-af0e-b54181734086
[7] : 998b88c6-eddb-4732-80f0-7e44e023a3d7
[8] : 1243ab4d-4967-423f-8e76-e34c31d6562f
[9] : e9f4708a-dcd7-4221-a348-601d36585599
[10] : 5bac1dd3-00e6-4bdd-8742-3231702e67cf
[11] : 8a44b51b-292d-43ad-ba1b-a06522cd8812
[12] : 425e7f67-684a-48e8-8b13-6c581142d6c5
[13] : 7809127b-9d45-47fa-8330-8755beafe06a
[14] : 4507b13b-d707-453c-94d7-e59f4ad1bc69
[15] : 09e34bb7-9768-4c43-af7c-e5f5b5f648e5
- sdfs is dfs-preorder , it could be used for things such as "scope"
- sedfs just like html-sequence, enter/begin-.....-end/leave, it could be used for things such as "parse"
- edfs is dfs-postorder, normally it is USELESS , it could be used for things such as "execution" when leaf-node could be treated as "instructions"
- $replace method normally should be used together with edfs, it is for deep-copy a "template-tree" and replace itself with this "template-tree", it could be used for things such as "call"
- struct_eq_ignore_order is slow, but it can recognize tree-topology-only difference
- struct_eq_keep_order is fast ,but it can NOT recognize real similarity
- notmally USELESS , but useful when with non-standard nested-input, such as {a=b,B:c,<1,2,3,4,5>} mixed-style structure
- get_cu_sign
- get_internal_sign_ignore_order
- get_internal_sign_keep_order
- get_sign_ignore_order
- get_sign_keep_order
- struct_eq_keep_order
- struct_eq_ignore_order
- $add_lsib
- $add_rsib
- $ances
- $ances_count
- $append_child
- $append_children
- $pbreadth
- $breadth
- $children
- $children_count
- $clone
- $count
- $depth
- $deses
- $disconn
- $dlmost_des
- $drmost_des
- $dump
- $dump2file
- $edfs
- $edfs_next
- $edfs_prev
- $fsibs
- $fstch
- $fstsib
- $height
- $insert_child
- $is_fstch
- $is_inited
- $is_leaf
- $is_lonely
- $is_lstch
- $is_root
- $lcin
- $lsib
- $lsib_of_fst_ance_having_lsib
- $lst_lyr_deses
- $lstch
- $lstsib
- $luncle
- $lyr
- $offset
- $parent
- $prepend_child
- $psibs
- $rcin
- $rm_all_children
- $rm_fstch
- $rm_lstch
- $rm_some_children
- $rm_which
- $root
- $rsib
- $rsib_of_fst_ance_having_rsib
- $runcle
- $sdfs
- $sdfs2mat
- $sdfs_next
- $sdfs_prev
- $sdfs_repr
- $sedfs
- $sedfs_next
- $sedfs_prev
- $sedfs_repr
- $sibs
- $sibs_count
- $sibseq
- $some_ances
- $some_children
- $some_lyrs_deses
- $some_sibs
- $which_ance
- $which_child
- $which_lyr_deses
- $which_sib
- $width
- $nest_dict
- $sdfs_next_action_for_srch
- $sdfs_srch_action_list
- $replace_with
- $sdfs_leafs
- $sdfs_nonleafs
- $sdfs_leaf_index
- $sdfs_nonleaf_index
- et
- regis_recv_from_handler
- send_to
refer to https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-tree A tree is a finite hierarchical tree structure. In tree order is preorder, depth-first traversal of a tree.
An object that participates in a tree has a parent, which is either null or an object, and has children, which is an ordered set of objects. An object A whose parent is object B is a child of B.
The root of an object is itself, if its parent is null, or else it is the root of its parent. The root of a tree is any object participating in that tree whose parent is null.
An object A is called a descendant of an object B, if either A is a child of B or A is a child of an object C that is a descendant of B.
An inclusive descendant is an object or one of its descendants.
An object A is called an ancestor of an object B if and only if B is a descendant of A.
An inclusive ancestor is an object or one of its ancestors.
An object A is called a sibling of an object B, if and only if B and A share the same non-null parent.
An inclusive sibling is an object or one of its siblings.
An object A is preceding an object B if A and B are in the same tree and A comes before B in tree order.
An object A is following an object B if A and B are in the same tree and A comes after B in tree order.
The first child of an object is its first child or null if it has no children.
The last child of an object is its last child or null if it has no children.
The previous sibling of an object is its first preceding sibling or null if it has no preceding sibling.
The next sibling of an object is its first following sibling or null if it has no following sibling.
The index of an object is its number of preceding siblings, or 0 if it has none.
> require('ndtreejs') { ndfunc: { calc_next_id: [Function: calc_next_id], update_nodes_ids: [Function: update_nodes_ids], creat_root: [Function: creat_root], creat_nd: [Function: creat_nd], is_inited: [Function: is_inited], is_root: [Function: is_root], is_fstch: [Function: is_fstch], is_lstch: [Function: is_lstch], is_leaf: [Function: is_leaf], is_lonely: [Function: is_lonely], is_id: [Function: is_id], prepend_child: [Function: prepend_child], append_child: [Function: append_child], insert_child: [Function: insert_child], add_rsib: [Function: add_rsib], add_lsib: [Function: add_lsib], get_fstch: [Function: get_fstch], get_rsib: [Function: get_rsib], get_children: [Function: get_children], get_lstch: [Function: get_lstch], get_which_child: [Function: get_which_child], get_some_children: [Function: get_some_children], get_fstsib: [Function: get_fstsib], get_lstsib: [Function: get_lstsib], get_preceding_sibs: [Function: get_preceding_sibs], get_following_sibs: [Function: get_following_sibs], get_sibs: [Function: get_sibs], get_which_sib: [Function: get_which_sib], get_some_sibs: [Function: get_some_sibs], get_sibseq: [Function: get_sibseq], get_lsib: [Function: get_lsib], get_lyr: [Function: get_lyr], get_breadth: [Function: get_breadth], get_count: [Function: get_count], get_depth: [Function: get_depth], get_height: [Function: get_height], get_fst_lyr_des_depth: [Function: get_fst_lyr_des_depth], get_lst_lyr_des_depth: [Function: get_lst_lyr_des_depth], get_which_lyr_des_depth: [Function: get_which_lyr_des_depth], get_root: [Function: get_root], get_parent: [Function: get_parent], get_ances: [Function: get_ances], get_which_ance: [Function: get_which_ance], get_some_ances: [Function: get_some_ances], get_rsib_of_fst_ance_having_rsib: [Function: get_rsib_of_fst_ance_having_rsib], get_sdfs_next: [Function: get_sdfs_next], get_drmost_des: [Function: get_drmost_des], get_sdfs_prev: [Function: get_sdfs_prev], get_sdfs: [Function: get_sdfs], get_lsib_of_fst_ance_having_lsib: [Function: get_lsib_of_fst_ance_having_lsib], get_dlmost_des: [Function: get_dlmost_des], get_edfs_next: [Function: get_edfs_next], get_edfs_prev: [Function: get_edfs_prev], get_edfs: [Function: get_edfs], 'clear_$visited': [Function: clear_$visited], get_sedfs_next: [Function: get_sedfs_next], is_sedfs_traverse_finished: [Function: is_sedfs_traverse_finished], get_sedfs_prev: [Function: get_sedfs_prev], get_sedfs: [Function: get_sedfs], get_deses: [Function: get_deses], get_fst_lyr_deses: [Function: get_fst_lyr_deses], get_lst_lyr_deses: [Function: get_lst_lyr_deses], get_which_lyr_deses: [Function: get_which_lyr_deses], get_some_deses: [Function: get_some_deses], nd2ele: [Function: nd2ele], sdfs2mat: [Function: sdfs2mat], sdfs2edfs: [Function: sdfs2edfs], sdfs2sedfs: [Function: sdfs2sedfs], edfs2mat: [Function: edfs2mat], edfs2sdfs: [Function: edfs2sdfs], edfs2sedfs: [Function: edfs2sedfs], sedfs2mat: [Function: sedfs2mat], sedfs2sdfs: [Function: sedfs2sdfs], sedfs2edfs: [Function: sedfs2edfs], update_disconnected_nodes: [Function: update_disconnected_nodes], update_orig_nodes: [Function: update_orig_nodes], leafize: [Function: leafize], rootize: [Function: rootize], disconnect: [Function: disconnect], rm_fstch: [Function: rm_fstch], rm_lstch: [Function: rm_lstch], rm_which: [Function: rm_which], rm_some: [Function: rm_some], rm_all: [Function: rm_all], update_treeid: [Function: update_treeid], update_one_nodeid: [Function: update_one_nodeid], prepend_child_tree: [Function: prepend_child_tree], append_child_tree: [Function: append_child_tree], add_rsib_tree: [Function: add_rsib_tree], add_lsib_tree: [Function: add_lsib_tree], insert_child_tree: [Function: insert_child_tree] }, ndcls: { Node: [Function: Node], load: [Function: load],load_from_nest_dict:[Function: load_from+nest_dict] }, ndutil: {rjson: [Function: rjson], wjson [Function: wjson]} }