
Reading shimmer3 data

Primary LanguagePython

By running this code you can read Shimmer3 data. It is based on the examples in "https://github.com/ShimmerResearch/shimmer3/tree/master/LogAndStream/python_scripts"

1- Pair bluetooth and serial port (Shimmer password: 1234)

2- hcitool scan //It shows the macaddress of device. for shimmer it is 00:06:66:F0:95:95

3- vim /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf write the below line in it: rfcomm0{ bind no; device 00:06:66:F0:95:95; channel 1; comment "serial port" } 4- sudo rfcomm connect rfcomm0 00:06:66:F0:95:95 // This is for reading bluetooth data from a serial port

5- Run python3 shimmer_Bt.py