
A client to access the TopChef server for Python2.7

Primary LanguagePython


Contains a client written in Python to consume the TopChef API.

Project Status

Build Status

Requirements Status

Documentation Status


The dependencies for this project are given in the requirements.txt file. This project relies chiefly on the requests library for sending HTTP requests to the API. The six library is a Python 2 - Python 3 compatibility library. It makes creating abstract base classes much easier.

Python versions greater than 2.6 are supported.

Project Management

This project is managed on Waffle IO. The team throughput is shown below

Throughput Graph


Install the dependencies by running

pip install -r requirements.txt


python setup.py install


After installation, import Client from the topchef_client library. Client is an abstract base class that must have its run method implemented prior to use. The run method takes in a dictionary of parameters and it must return a dictionary of result values.

The input parameters satisfy the service's job_registration_schema. The result dictionary must satisfy the service's job_result_schema.


Consider a service that takes in a number and adds 1 to it. Let the argument be constrained between 1 and 10. The JSON schema to express this is

        "type": "integer",
        "minimum": 1,
        "maximum": 10

This matches any integer between 1 and 10.

Considering that we're using JSON, it may make sense to wrap the parameters that we want into a JS object. This would provide a context for our values, making the code we use much more self-documenting. If we want to add parameters later, then we can do that much more easily when the object is wrapped. The JSON schema we'll use for input is therefore

        "type": "object",
                "type": "integer",
                "minimum": 1,
                "maximum": 10

A possible subclass

    from topchef_client import Client

    class AddOne(Client):
        def run(self, parameters):
            result = parameters['value'] + 1
            return {'value': result}

The client takes care of validating the input against the input schema, so we can be confident in extracting the 'value' key out of the parameter dictionary without worrying about KeyError being thrown. However, the onus is on the run method to return a dictionary that is compliant with the result schema. Failure to do so will result in a ProcessingError being thrown.


Service IDs can be obtained from the API by sending a GET request to the /services endpoint. The default constructor takes in the address of the TopChef API and the service ID.

Alternative: Register Service

The service can also be registered as a new service at runtime. The classmethod Client.register_service``` takes in an address, a service name, description, and the service schemas. The method then POST``s to the API in order to register a service with a new service ID.

Starting The Client

At runtime, the client launches a polling thread and a processing thread. The polling thread is responsible for sending a PATCH request to the API to let the API know that the client is alive and accepting jobs. The second thread is a processing thread which checks the /services/<service_id>/queue for jobs that have not yet been processed. If it finds one, it executes the job.

Both of these threads are daemonic. If only daemonic threads remain in a Python program, Python will shut the program down. In our case, instantiating AddOne and calling the instance's start method will start both threads. After starting, a blocking operation needs to be included somewhere that will pause the main threads while the client's two threads get to work. An example of such a method is given in the complete listing below. This code will run a service.

    from topchef_client import Client
    import time

    class AddOne(Client):
        def run(self, parameters):
            return {'value': parameters['value'] + 1}

    service_address = 'http://localhost'

    service_id = '912a5684-7174-11e6-88ce-3c970e7271f5'

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        service = AddOne(service_address, service_id)

        while True:


  • Michal Kononenko (@MichalKononenko)
  • Thomas Alexander (@whitewhim2718)