Let's cook

Let’s cook is a website featuring recipes added by the community. It could be a source of inspiration for your next meal or a place to share your creation. The main goal of the project is to enable the user to interact with a database, preforming basic data manipulation operations.

This is the third project in Code Institute Full Stack Developer program based on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Flask, MongoDB and other optional frameworks and libraries.

Responsive preview


User Stories

  • I want to be able to create an account
  • I would like to save my favourite recipes
  • I am looking for something to cook for my next meal
  • I wish to know how good a recipe is before preparing it
  • I created a recipe of which I am proud of and would like to share it
  • I want to know basic information about the recipe such as steps, ingredients and cooking time

Potential Features

The features here are an outline of what was considered before the project started. Some of them were scrapped and some new ones were added.

  • The navigation will include a home link, category dropdown, top 10 recipes section on the homepage and a random recipe link. There will also be variable links like login/profile, add a recipe and others that will appear if the user is logged in.
  • The website will be entirely based on user submitted recipes requiring an option to login/register. Each person's profile will include brief information which the user has the option to provide. The users can select a profile icon from a small icon library and possible feature of uploading an image. The profile should also include recipes that the user has saved and posted and potentially their score based on the average rating of their posted recipes. The users should be able to update personal data or uploaded recipes as well as delete their account.
  • The main page will include a hero image with a recipe search bar and an animation which shows different meals.
Top 10 Recipes
  • Top recipe section will include a carousel that repeats infinitely putting the first recipe at the end when going forward and vice versa. The featured recipes will include the top rated/most popular recipes of each week.
  • Categories page will show recipes for each category or just the selected category depending on which path the user chooses. There should also be a filtering system allowing to filter recipes by rating and prep time.
Chosen recipe page
  • The recipe page will include all relevant information like the ingredients, preparation time and cooking steps. As additional features to better judge the quality of the recipe, there will be a comment section and rating system on the page.
  • The footer will be simple with a small about section revealing a brief description on hover. It will also include social links and the website logo.


Sketched wireframe

For this project I drew simple wireframes so it is not as detailed as it would have been in Adobe XD which I usually use. They still give the general idea of how the webpage should look and which sections it should have.


Color palette

The color palette is a general idea for the colors selected from the hero image. The shades and combinations can change as the image I created is just a guide of which colors could work well together.

Technologies used

Languages, frameworks and more

HTML5 icon HTML5 - webpage markup language for basic structure

CSS3 icon CSS3 - HTML document styling language

Bootstrap icon Bootstrap - CSS framework with focus on responsive design

JavaScript icon JavaScript - behavior of elements on the website

jQuery icon jQuery - JavaScript library

Python icon Python - backend programming language working together with Flask, MongoDB and Heroku

Flask icon Flask - lightweight Python framework for web applications

MongoDB icon MongoDB - database program

Heroku icon Heroku - cloud deployment platform

Repository, coding environment and version control
  • Github - hosting platform for managing repositories and more
  • Gitpod - coding environment
  • Git - used for version control


User stories testing

  • I want to be able to create an account.

Register/ log in options are available.

  • I would like to save my favourite recipes.

There is the option to save/ unsave a recipe.

  • I am looking for something to cook for my next meal.

Unlimited number of recipes can be added by the users and the top ones are shown on the homepage. The user can also search for recipes.

  • I wish to know how good a recipe is before preparing it.

There is a rating for each recipe and an option to add a rating.

  • I want to know basic information about the recipe such as steps, ingredients and cooking time.

All of the above information is on the recipe page as well as additional information

Features and tests

The features are listed and any unresolved bugs are highlighted darker. There are no major bugs that were found but there were some problems from the UX side that were listed. They would have been fixed but more time was required.


  1. Nav dropdown

Recipe dropdown which has links to two pages and a spatula animation.

  • The spatula should rotate down if the dropdown opens and up if it closes. Clicking on the body closed the dropdown but the spatula stayed in the same place. Now, a body click leaves it open and it can only be closed by clicking on the recipe. Clicking on the spatula image changed the position of the image but did not open the nav. The issue was resolved.

Clicking on the body makes the dropdown flicker for a millisecond.

  1. Profile icon

Profile icon that can be changed by the user

  • Icon source loads properly. When changed by the user it gets updated to the database and loads on login.
  1. Login/register buttons

The buttons get rendered only if the user is not logged in and lead to the right pages.

  1. Search bar

The search bar can be used to find recipes. The functionality is limited and only searches for the exact name entered. If not found, it breaks the entered phrase in words and tries to find a match for any of the words. The search gets sent by either clicking on enter or the search icon.

  1. Food animation

The animation shows different foods in a small window on page load.

If the nav dropdown is opened on mobile while the animation lasts, the food window will be on top of the menu.

  1. Top 10 recipes

The carousel rotates the recipes infinitely in both directions. The recipes get updated on a weekly basis and the ones with the highest rating will be shown. If there are no recipes posted by the users or all recipes are deleted the template of 10 recipes that cannot be deleted will be shown. See recipe page leads to the right recipe page.

  1. Theme picker

Theme picker switches between 3 background images and is only available on the homepage. The theme gets saved in local storage and does not change when changing pages.


  1. Form

The form fields are shown differently depending on the page. The required form fields are noted by * and cannot be sent empty, also a min/max length is defined. If the username or email already exist on the register page, a message flashes. If they both exist the message flashes asking the user to log in instead. Wrong information on the login page flashes that it is incorrect but does not say which part.


The profile can only be accessed if the username in the session matches the profile link. If the profile link is accessed from search on another device, the user will be redirected to the login page.

  1. Icon picker

Shown in a scrollable window and icons change on click, the form needs to be submitted for the icon to be saved which is not ideal but the submit button gets focused. Not picking the icon but submitting the form does not affect the icon source.

  1. Update details form

The form is pre-filled with the information from the database. The password needs to be updated every time or the old one needs to be re-entered which is one of the UX problems. The username is locked as I have used the username instead of the user id to access certain information. That was a mistake which caused the issues with the recipes as well but it is something that I will not repeat. Sending the details is defensively programmed same as for other forms.

  1. Saved recipes

The link leads to a list of all saved recipes sorted by category. Only the categories that have a recipe are rendered. If there are no saved recipes, a message flashes.

  1. Posted recipes

The link leads to a list of all posted recipes sorted by category with the option to edit or delete a recipe. If there are no posted recipes, a message flashes.

  1. Log out

Log out button deletes the user from the session, flashes and redirects to the homepage.


  1. Save/unsave

A recipe can be saved/unsaved by clicking the heart icon that changes on click. The recipe gets saved in the database for the current user and the button is not visible when logged out

  1. Rate a recipe

Rating a recipe is available for logged in users and does not get rendered otherwise. The stars show the current rating which can only be changed by adding clicking the add rating button. When clicked the stars change upon hover and the stars up to the clicked one stay full at which point the user can submit a rating or cancel it.

Hovering slightly out of the last star keeps only the first four stars full.

  1. Ingredients

Clicking on the ingredients button shows all ingredients in a closable window.

  1. Adding a recipe

A recipe can only be added if the user is logged in, otherwise they are redirected to the register page. Ingredient and step field can be added and show the field number. Adding the recipe name which already exist flashes a message but the fields do not stay populated. It is not a bug but it is not good from the UX side. If the recipe is added successfully, the user is redirected to the created recipe page.

  1. Editing a recipe

Logged in users can edit a recipe they have posted. The fields are populated but the name cannot be changed for the same reason the username cannot be changed. Editing a recipe redirects the user to the recipe page with the updated values while the rating stays the same.

  1. Deleting a recipe

Deleting a recipe removes it from the database and users created recipes.


All footer links work as well as the hover animations

Code validation


Responsive preview

HTML validation has a lot of errors. Most of them come from Jinja syntax which should not be a problem. I have probably taken too many features to implement and should have given myself more time to fix the issues that come up during testing. As I have finished the last feature a day before submission, I had to leave some of the validation errors as they are and will explain them here. The mistakes that were not fixed:

  1. Div element is a child of the button element. I have had issues with the Bootstrap navbar close. I have decided to create my own closing icon and have therefore put it inside the button element.

  2. Element div not allowed as child of element h1 in this context. I had trouble getting the food window to work and it was a way that enabled me to resolve the issue.


W3C validation passed with no errors

Browser Compatibility

Testing for desktop is done on Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Opera. It is not tested on Internet Explorer since the support for it is ending soon and most websites already do not support it.

Mobile testing is done on Samsung Internet and Google Chrome for mobile on different devices.

There are no issues or changes across browsers apart from how the scrollbar looks on Firefox which is not an issue. I do not have access to older browsers or other devices. There is a tool which has that functionality but it is not free and probably not needed for the purposes of this project.


Beautify Tools validation passed with no errors


Code is PEP8 compliant and validation shows no errors


The website can be accessed here.

Deployment instructions assume that you have already set up your repository and basic flask application. The website is deployed on the Heroku cloud platform using the following steps:

  1. Create the necessary files for deployment
    • Create requirements file using pip3 freeze > requirements.txt which will contain the required dependencies.
    • Create Procfile using echo web: python app.py > Procfile.
    • Push both files to GitHub
  2. Log in to Heroku and create a new app
  3. Connect the app to your project
    • Go to deployment method section and choose the method. If using GitHub, select that option, otherwise use the Heroku CLI method.
  4. Following the GitHub method, search for the desired repository and connect to it
  5. Enter configuration variables
    • Go to the settings tab and select Reveal Config Vars. Enter the variables defined in the env.py file (IP, PORT and SECRET_KEY).
  6. Deploy and preview
    • Go back to the deployment tab and enable automatic deployment.
    • Finally, press deploy branch and preview your website.

Commit messages

The commit messages follow conventional commit format: type(optional scope): description. Here are the commit message types used in this project:

  1. Fix: bug fixes
  2. Feat: new features
  3. Docs: adding content to README
  4. Refractor: editing code but not functionality e.g. renaming a variable


  • All recipe images and content was taken from BBC Good Food.

  • All icons and images from Flaticon and Envato elements have been licenced.

  • All code was written by me apart from the vendor prefixes that were added using Autoprefixer. As always, I have used StackOverflow, MDN Web Docs and W3Schools as a source of inspiration.