
A simple tool to build doris docker images.

Primary LanguageShell

Doris Docker Builder


  • The build script only works on x64 Linux platform with docker installed.
  • vm.max_map_count on host machine should be 2000000: sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=2000000.
  • The swap should be disabled on host machine: swapoff -a.
  • To prevent doris image from using a proxy setting, docker should has no proxy setting. Make sure there is no proxy setting in ~/.docker/config.json.


Modify the doris version in build_images.sh as needed:


Then run the script:


Alternatively, you can prepare an uncompressed folder in advance and run:

# You still need to specify the version in the script first.
./build_images.sh --skip-download 


Replace the docker image names of FE and BE in the dokcer-compose.yaml file to the names of images you just built. Then you can run the cluster using docker compose up command (see files under docker-compose-demo/docker-compose folder).


To clean doris data on host machine, run:
