
See the world through emoji-colored glasses

Primary LanguageJavaScript

See the world through emoji-colored glasses


Emoji are great! Who wouldn't want to live in a world made entirely of emoji? This humble project takes us one step closer to that goal. See it at emoji.video


The general flow of information in this project is as follows:

  • Generate a color palette by iterating over a list of emoji characters, drawing each one to a <canvas> element, and finding the dominant color
  • Access the user's webcam and stream the video to an intermediary <canvas> element that has been reduced in size
  • For each frame of video (or as often as possible):
    • Using the intermediary canvas, perform color quantization to reduce the palette colors in the image to match our pre-build emoji color palette
    • With the pixel data from the intermediary canvas, find the emoji in our palette that matches the pixel color and draw that emoji on the final canvas

Future Improvements

  • Currently uses 2D canvas context to process video and quantize colors, this may be improved using WebGL
  • The initial palette is generated using a fixed set of emoji based on the top 500 emoji in the list of most frequently used characters; as an alternate approach, we could map a larger list of emoji to a pre-defined 256 color palette to ensure a fuller range of colors and smaller emoji set
