React Mini Challenge: Props


Fork this repo, then run git clone to download it locally. Then cd into the downloaded directory and open it in your text editor with code ..

Run npm install && npm start to get started.


When you’re finished, run the following commands in your terminal to submit:

git add .
git commit -m 'Done'
git push

To get feedback on your code, make a pull request from your forked repo.


Welcome to The Spice Store! We'll be building an application for displaying information about different spices. (If you're wondering where the ...interesting... spice descriptions came from - check out

The finished app should look like this:

Spice Store

In /components/App.js, there is a variable called spices that has an array of objects representing different spices.

You'll need to use that data to build out two features in our application:

  • Use the <Header> component to display the correct number of spices in our store
  • Use the <SpiceList> and <SpiceItem> components to display information about each spice

A few things to keep in mind as you are building out these deliverables:

  • How can we use props to pass data from one component to another?
  • If you're not sure what props you're getting, try adding a console.log or debugger in the component you're working on.
    • For class components, it's usually helpful to debug inside the render method (before the return statement).
    • For function components, try debugging inside the function body.
  • Make sure to draw out the component hierarchy so you can see the relationship between components!
  • Try to figure out what props to give our components by looking at code in the existing components.
  • Some of these components are class components and some are function components - this is to give you practice with the syntax for both kinds of component. How does this change how you can access props?


In our App component, the return statement looks like this:

return (
    <Header />
    <SpiceList />

Do some research - what does having <> and </> wrapped around our components do? (Hint: look up React.Fragment!)