Qt/OpenGL Template


This example shows how to build a Qt GUI around a view that is rendered with OpenGL. The example is based on "Hello Triangle" from Learn OpenGL.

There are many similar examples out there, but it seems to me that most of them don't properly separate application code from UI code. Generally speaking, the business logic of an application should not depend on the framework used to implement the application's user interface. To that end, this example clearly separates the two:

  • Source/Gui contains Qt-dependent UI layer code and is written in C++
  • Source/Renderer contains OpenGL-dependent application layer code and is written in C

In other words, the OpenGL-based Renderer is independent of the Qt-based Gui. This way we could relatively easily swap Qt for any other framework to implement Gui without having to make any changes to Renderer.

This example uses GL3W to load OpenGL functions.

Build & run (Linux)

cmake -B build -S .
cmake --build build

Build & run (Windows)

This should hopefully work, but you'll need to re-evaluate your life choices:

cmake -B build -S .
cmake --build build