
Hardware-accelerated, parallel merge sort with Nvidia's CUDA API for educational fun. Not universally usable.

Primary LanguageCuda



This project contains the source code of cuda_sort and a benchmark program that sorts arrays of integers and floating point numbers of various sizes with cuda_sort, thrust::sort (Nvidia's own GPU-accelerated sort implementation) and std::sort and prints the results.

The project is purely educational by nature; the code is not meant for general use.

Working principle

Cuda_sort works exactly like an ordinary merge sort would, except that the merging is done in parallel rather than sequentially in a recursive manner, and both the GPU and CPU are involved. The distribution of work between the two processing units is visualized below.

In summary:

  1. The input data is copied from RAM to VRAM.
  2. The GPU performs parallel merging as long as it is more efficient than merging on the CPU.
  3. The input data is copied from VRAM to RAM.
  4. The CPU performs parallel merging on multiple threads.
  5. The final merge is done sequentially on a single CPU thread.


Below is a screenshot of the results of the benchmark.

Obviously, the highly optimized thrust::sort is faster than cuda_sort. However, to my satisfaction, the performance of cuda_sort is in the same ballpark.

Interestingly, it appears that both GPU sorts are slow in the 64-bit category, whereas the performance of std::sort seems rather constant.



The interface of cuda_sort is simple enough:

template<typename T> T* cuda_sort(T* h_src, size_t array_length, size_t cpu_threads = 8, size_t gpu_thread_block_size = 8)

Symbol Description
T The element type contained by the array. Has to be a variation of int or float
h_src The array to be sorted
array_length The number of elements in the array. Must be a power of 2
cpu_threads The maximum number of CPU threads running concurrently. Must be a power of 2 (default: 8)
gpu_thread_block_size The number of threads per GPU thread block. Must be a power of 2 (default: 8)
return value h_src

The user is responsible for checking that the conditions set above are met.


The benchmark program has a very simple command line interface:

cuda_sort.exe <number of CPU threads> <GPU thread block size> <array size as power of two>

The constraints set for the parameters of cuda_sort apply. Passing d as a command line argument will make the benchmark use the default value.


On Windows:

  1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio + Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler
  2. Install CUDA Toolkit (with Visual Studio extension)
  3. Open cuda_sort.sln in Visual Studio and compile the solution


Cuda_sort has only been tested with an Nvidia GTX 1070 graphics card and an Intel i7-4790K processor.


The If-you-are-crazy-enough-to-use-this-go-ahead License 1.0. The author will not be responsible for the frying of any piece of silicon or any other form of harm that could ensue.