
This is the final project of the postgraduate course "Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning" held by the UPC University.

Table of contents

Introduction and motivation

2021 was a crazy year for Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency world in general. Bitcoin reached its all-time high of 64'000 USD and a lot of new exciting projects related to blockchain were developed. Several people start using these coins and trade them, attracted by the incredible rise in price. We decided then to test if the powerful neural networks could help us trading these coins.

The idea of the project is to make a reinforcement learning agent trade eight different coins for several months using just an initial budget in cash. As for the humans performing technical analysis, the agent has access just to some historical data of the price and volume.



The data used to build our dataset were downloaded from Binance, the biggest bitcoin and altcoin crypto exchange in the world. The dataset provides the history of hourly prices in USD for the top 8 cryptocurrencies of the market ("BTC", "ETH", "BNB", "ADA", "XRP", "DOGE", "LINK", "LTC") and starts at 2020-01-01 00:00:00 and ends at 2021-06-30 23:00:00.

Preprocessing and feature engineering

In order to feed to the network clean and meaningful data we have performed the following operations:

  1. Fill missing values. We have filled the missing values using the forward fill method, which propagates the last valid observation forward.
  2. Add technical indicators. These indicators are pattern-based signals produced by the variation in price and volume. We have divided these indicators into two types:
    • Short term indicators To describe the variation of the price and value during the same day. We consider all the indicators offered by the library ta (over 90) and we selected the less correlated ones (cor <0.7) in the first month of data. We were left with 18 indicators.
    • Long term indicators To describe what happened in the previous month we use four famous indicators: smooth moving average, directional moving index, relative strength index and commodity channel index. We chose three different windows: 1 day, 7 days and 30 days. In this way, we obtained other 12 technical indicators
  3. Add percentage change of the variables. To help the network to recognise the patterns, even if the absolute values are changing in time, we have calculated the daily change in percentage of price, volumes and all the technical indicators.
  4. Add covariance between the coins price. We have calculated the covariance among the different coins' closing prices, in order to provide information about the relationship among these cryptocurrencies.
  5. Eliminate the first 30 days of data. We could not consider the first 30 days since our metrics need a 30 days window period.


Our agents are trained in an environment developled by ourselves which emulates the trading options available in a crypto exchange.

Buy and Sell

The output of the agent is mapped to the environment actions that decide whether to Buy, Sell or Hold stock.

  • Buy: If the agent has enough cash in the Portfolio, perform a buy. This means adding the bought assets to the portfolio while substracting their value and the comissions from the cash.
  • Sell: If the agent has enough assets in the Portfolio, perform a sell. This means adding the value of the sold assets to the cash while substracting the amount of assets sold from the portfolio.
  • Hold: Do nothing.

All actions are limited by a parameter called max_amount_per_trade, defined when creating the environment. This parameter helps to control that the algorithm does not trade with the whole portfolio value in each operation.

Action mapping

We need then to map the action performed by the agent to the environment action. This map is different depending if the output of the agent is discrete or continuous:

  • Continuous actions: The action space is defined as a tensor of shape (1, number of assets), with values ranging from -1 to 1. The values are then multiplied by the max_amount_per_trade parameter. In example, havingthe actions of an environment with just three assets were represented as:
# With max_amount_per_trade = 1000
actions = [0.5, -0.1, 1]

# The actions would be mapped to:
# - Buy 50$ of the first asset
# - Sell 10$ of the second asset
# - Buy 100$ of the third asset
  • Discrete actions: The output of the models is defined as a integer ranging from [0, 2*number of assets]. A value of 0 means holding. Odd numbers are buy operations and even numbers are sell ones. In this case, each operation trades with the whole max_amount_per_trade.

Updating the Portfolio

The Portfolio object holds the trading logic and keeps track of how the capital is allocated across the different assets at each point. At the beggining of an experiment everything is in cash, but with every buy and sell the allocations are modified.

At the end of the experiment, the capital that the Portfolio is holding can be compared to the one in the initial stat to measure the return of the startegy. It can also show when and which the transactions were done.

Updating the state

The state in each timestep is defined by a vector composed of:

  • The amount of cash in the portfolio
  • The amount of the assets in the portfolio
  • The price of assets (close values)
  • The features built for all assets in the preprocessing step

In every new timestep we need to update all this values since the market conditions and the portfolio allocations might have changed.

Computing the reward

Agents are rewarded at every timestep with the difference between the value of the portfolio before and after performing the actions. At the beginning we were using the difference in absolute value (portfolio_after - portfolio_before), but then we decided to use the change in percentage ((portfolio_after - portfolio_before)/portfolio_before )). With the second approach we obtained as expected better results, since the return in percentage is independent of the size of the portfolio which can change a lot in different time period.

Other reward functions have been implemented (Sharpe, sortino) but there was no time to test them. These functions would have been more aligned with our trading strategy. More information in the Metrics section.


We have tried three different models, one uses the discete action space previously defined (DQN) and the other two the continuous action space (DDPG and PPO).


The deep Q-Network is a off-policy Q-learning which use different tricks to stabilize the learning like a replay buffer and a target network. To have a nice introduction to Reinforment learning and DQN you can look at the following links: a-long-peek-into-reinforcement-learning. For the network we have left the default architecture proposed by the paper Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning: two hidden layers with 64 neurons each, RELUs for all hidden layers and a tanh activation in the last layer. The optimizer used is ADAM.


The deep deterministic policy gradient is a model free, off-policy actor-critic algorithm which combines DPG and DQN. To know more about the policy gradient algorithms you can look at this blog: policy-gradient-algorithms. For all the networks involved we have left the default architecture proposed by the paper Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning: two hidden layers of respecively 400 and 300 neurons, ReLUs for all hidden layers and the final output layer of the actor was a tanh layer, to bound the actions. The optimizer used is ADAM.


The proximal policy optimization is a model free, on-policy algorithm which uses the actor-critic framework. It combines ideas from A2C (having multiple workers) and TRPO (it uses a trust region to improve the actor). If you want to know more you can look again at this blog: policy-gradient-algorithms. We have used the architecture proposed by the stable baseline library. For all the networks we have: two hidden layers with 64 neurons each, RELUs for all hidden layers and a tanh activation in the last layer. The optimizer used is ADAM.



The metrics used to evaluate the strategy of the agents are commonly used in the finance world. Each of them has its own benefits and drawbacks:

  • Return: The relative difference between the final portfolio value and the initial one.
  • Sharpe ratio: Similar to return but considering the volatility of the returns. A higher volatily means a lower sharpe, which also means a less desirable startegy. (More)
  • Sortino ratio: Almost identical to sharpe, but in this case only the negative volatily is penalizing the final value.(More)
  • Max drawdown: Maximum observed loss from a peak to a trough of a portfolio, before a new peak is attained.(More)

Training and Testing

During hyperparameters tuning we used time series validation in order to assess the performance under different temporal circumstances. In a TSV, a number N of training-testing sets are ran and their results are averaged. This approach is far more robust than a simple testing and allows obtaining better results when tuning models.

As it can be seen in the figure, there's an intentional gap between the training and the testing set. This is recommended in the industry to make sure that the two sets are more independent.

Finally, to compare the different models we used two test sets, taking the two month after the period used for the hyperparameter tuning.

Hyperparameter tuning

In order to obtain the best possible results, an exhaustive hyperparameter tuning was made. To do this, we used Optuna, an open source hyperparameter optimization framework to automate hyperparameter search. Since we needed to optimize three different algorithms (DQN, PPO, DDPG) with differents hyperparameters each one, we decided to set up three independent configurations to apply the hyperparameter tuning. We used a TPE (Tree-structured Parzen Estimator) algorithm and saved all the trials into a MySQL as a backup database and also with MLflow.

For PPO:

Parameter Range Best configuration
n_steps categorical([100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000]) 1000
ent_coef loguniform(0.01, 0.1) 0.0108486
learning_rate loguniform( 1e-3, 1e-2) 0.00637956
batch_size categorical([2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100]) 20
n_epochs categorical([3, 5, 10]) 3
gamma categorical([0.99, 0.995, 0.999, 0.9999]) 0.995
gae_lambda loguniform(0.9, 0.99999) 0.969964

For DQN:

Parameter Range Best configuration
batch_size discrete_uniform(32, 256, 2) 100
gamma loguniform(0.9, 0.99999) 0.965
learning_rate loguniform(0.0005, 0.01) 0.002
tau discrete_uniform(32, 256, 2) 0.014


Parameter Range Best configuration
gamma loguniform(0.9, 0.99) 0.975
tau uniform(0.001, 0.1) 0.0126
learning_rate loguniform(0.001, 0.01) 0.00297
batch_size categorical([32, 128, 1]) 128
buffer_size categorical([100000, 1000000, 10000] ) 10000



The main hypothesis of the project is to prove if a reinforcement learning agent can develop profitable strategies in a cryptocurrency environment.

Experiment setup

To test our hypothesis we have build the following experimental setup:

  1. Download, create, clean and augment a cryptocurrency dataset.
  2. Create a custom gym environment with the previous dataset that emulates the trading options available in a crypto exchange.
  3. Implement three reinforcement learning algorithms (DQN, PPO, DDPG).
  4. Apply hyperparameter tuning and time series validation to get the best hyperparameter configuration for each model.
  5. Train and test each model with its best hyperparameter configuration.


Best models obtained using Time Series Validation

From 2020-02-01 to 2021-04-01

Model return sharpe sortino max_drawdown return_btc sharpe_btc
PPO 0.912 -3.79 -5.81 -0.434 1.034 9.575
DQN 1.004 4.828 8.541 -0.105 1.034 9.575
DDPG 1.415 25.396 35.857 -0.218 1.034 9.575

Testing results - Period 1

Model strategies + Bitcoin

Model strategies + All assets


All of the strategies are outperforming Bitcoin in this timeframe.

Testing results - Period 2

Model strategies + Bitcoin

Model strategies + All assets

Summary None of the strategies are outperforming Bitcoin in this timeframe.

Allocations along time - Period 2

Transactons statistics - Period 2

Model Number of transactions Average transaction value
PPO 897 315.26
DQN 69 384.06
DDPG 614 335.10

The discrete model is performing less transactions than the continuous ones. This allows it to waste less money in transaction commissions.


Analyzing the previous results we obtained the following conclusions:

  • DQN and DDPG achieve positives returns but PPO doesn't. DDPG outperforms DQN and PPO in the time series validation since it has a higher return. The DDPG's return also outperforms BTC's return in the time series validation
  • For the test-period 1 the three models achieve a return > 1, meaning that they are profitable! DQN is the best model in this test with a return of 1.9, and the three algorithms outperform BTC's return since it is < 1. Another important metric is the max_drawdown which is around [-0.55,-0.4] meaning that the three algorithms almost lose half of their budget.
  • For the test-period 2 the three models achieve a return < 1 meaning that they are not profitable (the entire market goes down). Although all the models perform poorly in this second test, DQN it's the one that has the higher return, we think that this fact occurs because DQN has a discrete action space and it learns properly to hold. This reasoning is also supported by the number of transactions made by each algorithm. We can see that DQN has only 69 transactions during the period.
  • Finally, we also observe that DQN and PPO are not capable to distribute the budget along with the multiple coins to minimize risk and they focus too much in bnb.

How to run the code

Set up the Conda environment

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Install Conda
  3. Open a terminal located in the root of the repo and type conda create -n TradingRLBot python=3.9 to create the environment.
  4. Activate the environment typing conda activate TradingRLBot
  5. Install the requirements typing pip install -r requirements.txt

Train and Test the models

  1. Choose the desired model changing the variable BEST_MODEL_NAME in src/config/
  2. If you want to train the model execute src/scripts/
  3. If you want to test the model execute src/scripts/

How to run the hyperparameter tuning

If you want to test different hyperparameters for the model PPO. These are the steps:

  1. (Optional) Go to the python file .\src\scripts\ and change the following parameter accordingly to your needs: numsplits: number of different sets used in the time series validation. total_timesteps_model: number of timesteps considered in every trial. n_trials: number of different combinations of hyperparameters to test.
  2. (Optional) Go to the file .\src\hyperparameter_tuning\ and change the hyperparameters to test in the function sample_ppo_params accordingly to your needs.
  3. Exectute the script typing python .\src\scripts\
  4. (Output) A folder name $TIMESTAMP$ _ppo will appear inside the folder .\logs\hyptune for every trial k the following three pickle files will be produced: trial_k_HYP.pkl the hyperparamter tried in that trial trial_k_METRICS.pkl the metrics obtained in the test set trial_k_MODEL.pkl the model obtained during the training

NOTE To try the other two models you need to consider the following: DQN script to run: .\src\scripts\ ; file containing the hyperparameter: .\src\hyperparameter_tuning\ DDPG script to run .\src\scripts\ ; file containing the hyperparameter: .\src\hyperparameter_tuning\

How to visualize the results in mlflow

You can nicely explore the results obtained with the different hyperpatameters tuning trials in the follwing way:

  1. Run a hyperparameters tuning script as explained previously.
  2. Type mlflow ui
  3. Open the url that appear in the terminal
  4. (Output) For every trial you can check all the hyperparameres that have been tested and the results obtained (return, sharpe, sortino, etc.).

How to visualize the results in tensorboard

You can also get some more in deepth information about the training in the following way:

  1. Run a hyperparameters tuning script as explained previously.
  2. Type tensorboard --logdir logs/
  3. Open the url that appear in the terminal.
  4. (Output) In the webpage of tensorbord you can visualize different metrics (divided in scalars and time series) for the different trials and model run.



Stable Baselines 3

Optuna tuner

FinRL Library







