
There are 2 apis for Face Enrollment & Face Recognition:

  1. Face Enrollment api endpoint: /api/v1/face_enrollment
  2. Face Recognition api endpoint: /api/v1/face_detect

How to deploy:

  1. Clone the git repo:

    git clone https://github.com/ihpolash/face_recognition.git

  2. Create venv for the project & activate the environment:

    "virtualenv /opt/env" or "python3 -m venv env" source /opt/env/bin/activate

  3. Install all the dependencies:

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  4. Before starting the Django development server, you can check your Django project for potential problems:

    cd face_recognition/ python manage.py check

  5. Make Gunicorn configuration:

    Create config directory

    mkdir -pv config/gunicorn/

    Next, open a development configuration file, config/gunicorn/dev.py, and add the following:

     """Gunicorn *development* config file"""
     # Django WSGI application path in pattern MODULE_NAME:VARIABLE_NAME
     wsgi_app = "face_detect.wsgi:application"
     # The granularity of Error log outputs
     loglevel = "debug"
     # The number of worker processes for handling requests
     workers = 2
     # The socket to bind
     bind = ""
     # Restart workers when code changes (development only!)
     reload = True
     # Write access and error info to /var/log
     accesslog = errorlog = "/var/log/gunicorn/dev.log"
     # Redirect stdout/stderr to log file
     capture_output = True
     # PID file so you can easily fetch process ID
     pidfile = "/var/run/gunicorn/dev.pid"
     # Daemonize the Gunicorn process (detach & enter background)
     daemon = True

    Next, make sure that log and PID directories exist for the values set in the Gunicorn configuration file above:

     >> sudo mkdir -pv /var/{log,run}/gunicorn/

    With that out of the way, you can start Gunicorn using the -c flag to point to a configuration file from your project root:

     >> gunicorn -c config/gunicorn/dev.py

    Just as before, you can now monitor the output file to see the output logged by Gunicorn:

     >> tail -f /var/log/gunicorn/dev.log