
Cognito Authentication in a Spring Boot Application

Primary LanguageJava

Illary Huaylupo

Amazon cognito integration with Java Spring Boot Application


Blog PostInitial ConfigurationHow To UseServicesAPI Call ExamplesContactContributingLicense


Blog Post

Java Integration with Amazon Cognito

Initial Configuration

  • Add your AWS Credentials at src/main/resources/AwsCredentials.properties

AWS Config - Retrieve Access Key and Secret Key
AWS Credentials - Spring Boot Application     

  • Add your cognito pool and identity pool data.

AWS Config - Retrieve User Pool ID and Client ID

AWS Config - Retrieve Identity Pool ID

AWS Config Property File - Spring Boot Application

How To Use

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, Maven, Java 8. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/ihuaylupo/cognitoAuthentication

# Go into the repository
$ cd cognitoAuthentication

# Install dependencies
$ mvn install

# Run the app
$ java -jar target/CognitoAuthentication-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


My code contains the following services against Amazon Cognito:

  • Login
  • SignUp
  • Sign Up confirmation
  • Add User to group
  • Delete User
  • Sign Out
  • Reset Password
  • Confirm Reset Password

API Call Examples

Login call login

Sample Code sampleCode


I'd like you send me an email on illaryhs@gmail.com about anything you'd want to say about this software or you can write me at the blog post. I'd really appreciate it!


Feel free to file an issue if it doesn't work for your code sample. Thanks.


Copyright (c) 2018 Illary Huaylupo Licensed under the MIT license.