Author's PyTorch implementation of Realistic Actor-Critic(RAC) for OpenAI gym tasks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Balancing Value Underestimation and Overestimation with Realistic Actor-Critic

Author's PyTorch implementation of Realistic Actor-Critic(RAC) for OpenAI gym tasks.

Method is tested on MuJoCo continuous control tasks in OpenAI gym. If you use our code or data please cite the paper. Networks are trained using PyTorch 1.9 and Python 3.8.



Experiments on single environments can be run by calling:

cd ./RAC-SAC
python RAC_SAC.py --env Humanoid-v3 --replay_buffer_size 300000 --seed 30 --seed_num 8
python RAC_SAC.py --env Ant-v3 --replay_buffer_size 200000 --seed 30 --seed_num 8
python RAC_SAC.py --env Hopper-v3 --replay_buffer_size 1000000 --seed 30 --seed_num 8
python RAC_SAC.py --env Walker2d-v3 --replay_buffer_size 100000 --seed 30 --seed_num 8
cd ./RAC-TD3
python RAC_TD3.py --env Humanoid-v3 --replay_buffer_size 300000 --seed 30 --seed_num 8
python RAC_TD3.py --env Ant-v3 --replay_buffer_size 200000 --seed 30 --seed_num 8
python RAC_TD3.py --env Hopper-v3 --replay_buffer_size 1000000 --seed 30 --seed_num 8
python RAC_TD3.py --env Walker2d-v3 --replay_buffer_size 100000 --seed 30 --seed_num 8

Hyper-parameters can be modified with different arguments to RAC-SAC.py or RAC-TD3.py.


  title={Balancing Value Underestimation and Overestimationwith Realistic Actor-Critic},
  author={Li, Sicen and Wang, Gang and Tang, Qinyun and Wang, Liquan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.09712},