
dotfiles forked from leomao

Primary LanguageShell

dotfiles of pika

My personal dotfiles. These dotfiles are only tested on Archlinux with lastest software.

How to deploy

$ ./deploy.py -h


Need zsh 5.2+.

using zplug.

prompt theme:



Related tools


Put your customization in ~/.zshenv.local and ~/.zshrc.local.


Need tmux 2.2+.

tmux plugins managed by tpm:


One can add custom settings in ~/.gitconfig.local. Note that this configuration use diff-so-fancy as the pager of git diff and git show. If you don't want to use the zsh config, you should have diff-so-fancy in your PATH or overwrite this setting in ~/.gitconfig.local.


This fontconfig is for Traditional Chinese users on Archlinux primarily. It's not tested on other distros. But it should work on other distros as well so long as you have the following:

  • one of "Noto Sans CJK TC", "Source Han Sans TW", "Source Han Sans TC"
  • "Source Code Pro" or "Inconsolata"

For Archlinux users, you can just install required fonts by

# pacman -S noto-fonts-cjk adobe-source-code-pro-fonts