
UI Pattern driven development with angular.js and bootstrap

Primary LanguageJava


  • Spring (Spring MVC, Spring Data)
  • Angular.js
  • Hibernate (Oracle)
  • MongoDb

=> SAHM Stack

This app is deployed as below.

web app with angular.js, bootstrap and Spring restful

This is made with these traits.

0. purpose : UI patten driven development support for angular.js application
1. support UI pattern

# 1-1. P1 Single Detail,
  - image : images/1.png,
  - desc : Perform on a screen for CRUD actions.,
  - sample : apps/pattern1/index.html

# 1-2. P2 Multi Detail (Edit),
  - image : images/2.png,
  - desc : Retrieve list and perform CRUD actions for multi-rows on a screen.,
  - sample : apps/pattern2/index.html

# 1-3. P3 Multi Detail (List to Edit),
  - image : images/3.png,
  - desc : Retrieve list and perform CRUD actions for 1 row using by two screens.,
  - sample : apps/pattern3/index.html

# 1-4. P4 Master / Detail [1:n],
  - image : images/4.png,
  - desc : Retrieve single master data and perform CRUD actions for multi detail data on a screen.,
  - sample : apps/pattern4/index.html

# 1-5. P5 Master / Detail [n:1]</h4>,
  - image : images/5.png,
  - desc : Retrieve multi master data and perform CRUD actions for sigle detail data on a screen.,
  - sample : /

# 1-6. P6 Master / Detail [n:n],
  - image : images/6.png,
  - desc : Retrieve multi master data and perform CRUD actions for multi detail data on a screen.,
  - sample : /

2. switching database

3. hibernate,mongodb
  • base context setting
  1. /angularPattern/src/main/webapp/index.html
    < head >
    < base href="http://topzone.dyndns.org:9080/angularPattern/" >
  2. /angularPattern/src/main/webapp/scripts/app.js
    url : 'http://topzone.dyndns.org\\:9080/rest',