Imagine 💭 and Verbalize 🗣️

This is a Pytorch implementation for our ICLR 2022 paper: Contextualized Scene Imagination for Generative Commonsense Reasoning [arxiv].

Code folders:

(1) imagination_learning: Train the imagination moudule.

(2) verbalization_learning: Train the verbalization module.


  • Python >= 3.6
  • PyTorch == 1.8.0
  • transformers == 4.9.1
  • Java == 1.8.0
  • pycocoevalcap == 1.2

Learning to Imagine

1. Download the data

The data for training the imagination module can be obtained from link. After downloading, untar the file skg_multisource.tar.gz, and do

cd imagination_learning 
mkdir -p data
mv skg_multisource ./data

2. Train a imagination module


After training, the imagination module is saved to $IMAGINATION_CHECKPOINT='./checkpoint'. Then copy the file relation_vocab.json in the folder ./data/skg_multisource to $IMAGINATION_CHECKPOINT for later use.

Alternatively, you can download our well-trained imagination module checkpoint.

3. Apply the imagination module to obtain the silver-standard SKGs of downstream datasets (optional)

We have provided the silver-standard SKGs for the downstream datasets in the verbalization_learning folder. If you want to use the trained imagination module to annotate your own dataset, do


Learning to Verbalize

Train & evaluate

cd verbalization_learning
tar zxvf data.tar.gz

Key command line arguments to specify the task / imagination module checkpoint / dataset-specific hyper-parameters

num_epoch={5 (for Concept2Sentence) / 10 (for Concept2Story)}


title={Contextualized Scene Imagination for Generative Commonsense Reasoning},
author={PeiFeng Wang and Jonathan Zamora and Junfeng Liu and Filip Ilievski and Muhao Chen and Xiang Ren},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},