
snooping on k8s infra

Primary LanguagePLpgSQL


An early exploration into mapping work to be done in kubernetes through combining data in sigs.json and cs.k8s.io into a postgres db

Quick start

You can run the db with docker-compose. This'll start up our postgres database anda side app used to fetch and load json as needed.

cp .env.template .env # adjusting as you please
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

This will, by default, start up a db accessible at localhost:5432.

Our data

At the moment, we have tables setup in two schemas: prow and sigs. Prow deals with data taken from prow.k8s.io and individual prow jobs. Sigs is a sql representation of the kubernetes sigs.yaml.

There will be no data from the start. To load prow, run:

select * from add_prow_deck_jobs();

This will load in every line of job metadtaa found at https://prow.k8s.io/ (about 19,000 rows)

In the background, our sideloader app will fetch the prowspec for all the latest successful jobs (about 1,900).

To load up sigs, you can run:

select * from load_sigs_tables();

Learning more

We have a couple helper functions to learn the db better.

select * from describe_relations();

will list the relations and their comments across all schemas.

You can also run

select * from describe_relation('schema','relation');

for the comment on a specific one.

Similarly, to learn about the columns, you can run

select * from describe_columns('schema','relation');

Though this is basically equivalent to running \d schema.relation in psql.