
MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM documentation

Primary LanguageTeX

MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM documentation

Documentation Status

This is a Sphinx project for documentation of the MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM global integrated assessment model (IAM). The built documentation is at:


on ReadTheDocs

  • Branches other than master in the main repository (iiasa/message_doc) can be built under the IIASA ECE ReadTheDocs account, and will appear at https://docs.messageix.org/projects/global/en/[BRANCH]. Authorized users can configure these at https://readthedocs.com/projects/iiasa-energy-program-message-doc/versions/
  • For a personal fork, e.g. [USER]/message_doc, visit https://readthedocs.io [1] and configure builds for your fork, using a project name like message-doc-[USER]. These will appear at https://message-doc-[USER].readthedocs.io/en/[BRANCH].
[1]note that this is the free/open-source version of RTD, rather than the commercial product used by ECE for the official documentation of releases.


  1. Install Sphinx and other requirements (

    sphinx_rtd_theme and sphinxcontrib-bibtex


    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Build from the command line. On Linux or macOS:

    make html

    On Windows:

    .\make html
  3. Open _build/index.html.


Use the following references:

Add citations to bibs/main.bib. Format entries:

  • Field lines like [TAB]year = {2010},: tab indent, spaces around =, value inside {}, trailing comma.
  • Use either doi (preferred) or url, not both.
  • keywords separated by semicolons (';').
  • Do not include abstract, localfile, or file fields.