
Car Craze Frontend: Your Premier Destination for Cars. Immerse yourself in an extensive collection powered by React, Firebase, and MongoDB. Embark on an exceptional journey at Car Craze and experience modern UI excellence. Explore the World of Car Craze!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Car Craze - Your Ultimate Car Selling Website

Welcome to Car Craze, an immersive car selling platform built using cutting-edge technologies and designed to provide a seamless experience for car enthusiasts and buyers. Whether you're browsing for your dream car or contributing your own listings, Car Craze offers a dynamic and user-friendly interface.

Technologies Utilized

Car Craze leverages a suite of modern technologies to create its robust features and seamless interactions:

Front-end Technologies

  • React.js: The foundation of Car Craze, React.js powers the dynamic user interface and ensures a smooth browsing experience.
  • Tailwind CSS: The styling is crafted with Tailwind CSS, resulting in a sleek and responsive design.
  • Daisy UI: This component library enhances the styling capabilities of Tailwind CSS, enriching the visual appeal of the website.
  • React Router DOM: Client-side routing is implemented using React Router DOM, enabling intuitive navigation between various sections.
  • LottieFiles: Animations from LottieFiles bring dynamic visual elements to the website, enhancing engagement.
  • Axios: Axios handles HTTP requests to the backend server, facilitating seamless data exchange.
  • clsx: clsx provides the means to conditionally apply CSS classes, contributing to flexible styling.
  • React Icons: Icons from React Icons integrate seamlessly into the design, enhancing visual cues.


  • Firebase: Firebase authentication integration empowers users to log in using Google accounts or email/password combinations.

User Interaction

  • React Hook Form: User input is efficiently managed using React Hook Form, offering validation and interactivity.
  • SweetAlert2: SweetAlert2 enhances user experience with attractive alerts and notifications.
  • React Toastify: React Toastify is used for displaying non-intrusive toast notifications.

Back-end Technologies

  • Node.js: The server runtime environment is powered by Node.js.
  • Express.js: Express.js, a popular web application framework for Node.js, enables smooth server-side operations.
  • MongoDB: The database of choice, MongoDB, stores and retrieves the diverse car listings on the platform.

Noteworthy Features

Authentication Integration

  • Firebase Integration: Car Craze seamlessly incorporates Firebase authentication, allowing users to log in via Google or email/password.
  • Dynamic UI Updates: The user interface dynamically reflects the authentication status, providing a tailored experience for logged-in and non-logged-in users.

All Cars Route

  • Extensive Car Collection: Both authenticated and non-authenticated users can explore a wide array of cars contributed by car enthusiasts.
  • Detailed Exploration: Each car listing includes a "View Details" button, offering a pathway to delve into the car's specifics.
  • Seamless Navigation: Clicking "View Details" smoothly transitions users to a dedicated "Car Details" page.

Car Details Route

  • Immersive Experience: "View Details" buttons provide users the opportunity to explore individual cars in depth.
  • Comprehensive Information: Detailed specifications, images, pricing, and seller info contribute to a comprehensive car profile.
  • Engagement Opportunities: Users can contact sellers, inquire about cars, or save listings for future reference.
  • Intuitive Navigation: Clear navigation elements foster easy movement between pages.

Private Routes for Authenticated Users

My Cars (Private) Route

  • User-Exclusive: Authenticated users gain access to the "My Cars" route, showcasing their own car collection.
  • Secure Access Control: Non-authenticated users are redirected to the login page to maintain privacy.

Add Cars (Private) Route

  • User Contributions: Authenticated users can list their cars using the "Add Cars" route, expanding the platform's variety.
  • Secure Access: Non-authenticated users are directed to the login page to ensure the authenticity of car listings.
  • Submission Form: The user-friendly form simplifies car submissions and includes form validation for accuracy.

Home Page Sections

Explore the diverse sections of the Car Craze homepage, designed to captivate and inform visitors:

  • New Arrivals: Stay updated on the latest additions to the car collection.
  • Shop by Category: Seamlessly navigate through different car categories.
  • Photo Gallery: Immerse yourself in high-quality car images.
  • Why Choose Us: Discover the advantages of choosing Car Craze.
  • Our Services: Explore the range of services offered.
  • Testimonials: Read about satisfied customer experiences.
  • Blogs and Insights: Stay informed with insightful articles.

Experience Car Craze Today!

Embark on an exploration of luxury cars and exceptional service at Car Craze Website. With a blend of advanced technology, stunning visuals, and user-centric design, Car Craze sets the stage for an unparalleled car-buying journey.