
SpringBoot + Spring Data JPA

Primary LanguageJava

eventApp [SpringBoot + Spring Data JPA]

#IDE : Intellij IDEA 2018.2.4 (Community Edition).

#postman : testing (localhost:8080/createsalle > Headers> key:Content-Type___Value:application/json)

Run Spring Boot app using Maven:

mvn spring-boot:run

eventApp is an application for making room reservation for 2 types of rooms :


Identifications of the actors

As part of our analysis, the actors we have identified are:

• * [The administrator](#super admin) : he is responsible for the different settings of the application. Its role is to manage

environments and users.

• the trainer: it is the actor whose main role is to reserve a room for training or a meeting at a specific date.

• Room manager: the actor whose main role is to prepare the training / meeting rooms according to the list of reservations.