
Some sheet music for violin, engraved with LilyPond

Primary LanguageLilyPond

Violin Sheet Music

This repository contains some sheet music for violin, engraved with LilyPond.

If you don't know LilyPond, check it out, it's by far the best sheet music engraver/typesetter I'm aware of. Especially if you're familiary with LaTeX, you'll feel right at home.


After installing LilyPond just run lilypond <filename>.ly and wait for it to complete. Piece of cake.


I did not compose any of the music and I do not hold any rights for the pieces. Whenever possible, the author name will be attached to the sheet music.

Moreover, I am German. Some of the notation is language-specific, such as "o.H."/"u.H." which means upper/lower half of the bow. Similarly, parts in a major/minor scale are referred to as dur/moll, respectively.

Lastly, I'm fairly new to LilyPond, so I am certain there's a lot — and I mean a lot — of room for improvement. I'm always happy to receive some feedback.