English (intl., with AltGr dead keys)

This is a .keylayout file for MacOS which implements the "English (intl., with AltGr dead keys)" layout existing in Linux.


Same as bteixeira's keylayout-en-intl-altgr-dead-keys with extra glyphs when ctrl + option are pressed:

ctrl + option + . [dot] => … [ellipsis]

ctrl + option + - [minus] => – [ndash]

ctrl + option + = [equal] => ≠ [not equal]

ctrl + option + / [forward slash] => \ [backward slash]

ctrl + option + [ => ‹ [left single guillemet]

ctrl + option + ] => › [right single guillemet]

Extra Features


  • As a Dual Boot MacOS + Linux User with a blank keycaps keyboard (HHKB), I want the input method to be as consistent as possible.
  • As an opinionated Typophile, I want easy access to a few more neat looking punctuation marks.