
Primary LanguagePython




Dear Students,
the starting day of our course is getting closer. As pointed out in WueStudy the topic will not be 'Linux and Perl'. Rather, we will learn programming in Python (OK, first steps of 😉). As we have only five days, I would hate it if we loose precious time for installing the needed resources. Thus, I want everyone of you to have the following installed and running on the computer you are gonne work with:

In case you encounter any problems, Google it and find a solution. Arguably the most important skill I want to teach you in this course is to find solutions for you programming problems by yourself. There are tons of YouTube videos explaining every detail of the installation process. And, as you will see in the course, StackOverflow is always there to help!

OK, and if you got completely stuck 😉 ask for help in the course forum.

Looking forward to our Python journey,
Joerg Schultz


https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ -> Latest Release


https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#section=windows Choose 'Community' Edition (for the operating system you are working on)


In PyCharm File -> Setting -> Plugins -> Marketplace -> Edutools -> install

Python Course

In PyCharm File -> Learn and Teach -> Browse Courses -> Marketplace -> Introduction to Python


  • Show Python Interpreter with print("Hello World")
  • Show writing a text file in Editor and run it on the command line
  • Start PyCharm, write exactly the same file and run it (i) on the command line and (ii) in PyCharm

Exercise Course 'Introduction'



  • int
  • float
  • complex


  • 'bla' and "blub"
  • print(f"{bla}")
  • String multiplication: String * 2
  • Strings are arrays already -> positions (Maybe use this to introduce array concepts?)
  • len(string)
  • \n, \t


  • introduce the concept True/False (1/0)
  • introduce equal, and, or

Exercise Variables

  • Variable Definition
  • Undefined Variable
  • Variable Types
  • Type Conversion


Exercise swap the value of two variables, then follow in debugger

Mathematical operations

  • assignment
  • math
  • show addition of int and String

Exercises Variables

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignments
  • Boolean Operators
  • Comparison Operators

If / else / elif


  • == same value
  • The operators 'is' and 'is not' test for object identity: x is y is true if and only if x and y are the same object.
  • Comparisons can be chained arbitrarily, and expressions like a < b < c

Exercise Condition expressions


Don't talk about arrays here, just lists. Lists can consist of elements belonging to different data types, Arrays only consists of elements belonging to the same data type. You have to import a module to use arrays.

  • slicing
    • Note that the symbol with the index ind1 will be included, while the symbol with the index ind2 – won't.
    • [1:7]
    • [0:5] == [:5]
  • Empty lists are considered False in Python
  • in keyword
  • Stacks and Queues?
  • nested lists = matrices
  • ? Tuples: The only significant difference between tuples and lists is that tuples are immutable
  • List comprehension?
  • sort

Exercise Data structures

  • Lists introduction
  • Lists operations
  • List items
  • Nested lists
  • Join method


I put them after lists, as many string operations make only sense if you see Strings as lists of characters

Exercise Strings



Exercise Loops

  • For loop
  • Loop over a string
  • Nested for Loop

Exercise run through a list of genes and report in which position there is a specific gene

Use enumerate to get the index with the element as you iterate:

  for index, item in enumerate(items):
    print(index, item)


break / continue


Python also allows loop statements to have an else clause. It is executed when the loop terminates through exhaustion of the iterable (with for) or when the condition becomes False (with while), but not when the loop is terminated by a break statement.

Exercise Loops

  • while Loop
  • break keyword
  • Else with Loops
  • Continue keyword

Exercise rewrite the run through list code with while


Exercise run through two linked lists (genes with name and species) to find the species of a specific gene

  • Dictionaries are enclosed in curly braces, e.g., dct = {'key1' : "value1", 'key2' : "value2"}.
  • A pair of braces creates an empty dictionary: {}.
  • keys() + values() + items(
  • if key in dictionary
  • "bla" in dictionary

Exercise Data structures

  • Dictionaries
  • Dictionaries keys() and values()
  • In keyword

Exercise go back to gene name and species example. Now use a hash. Find the name of the gene id 123

Read files

  • split() lines on \t
  • string = string.replace("bla", "blub")
  • with open() as bla: for line in bla

Exercise File input output

Exercise find all up-regulated kinases ("kinase" in element)


Show how to change the read file code into a function. With return value. Then add a word to search for as parameter. Finally, show default arguments. If no parameter is given, we search for 'excellent'.

  • keyword arguments (named parameters)
  • scope (no example)
  • skip args and kwargs
  • skip recursion

Exercise Functions

  • except Args and kwargs
  • except Recursion

Exercise write a function which takes a protein function as input and returns a list of genes which have this function and are up-regulated

Exercise (Optional) write a fasta parser

Exercise (Optional) extract parser to function

Modules / Packages

A package is a collection of Python modules: while a module is a single Python file, a package is a directory of Python modules containing an additional init.py file, to distinguish a package from a directory that just happens to contain a bunch of Python scripts.

Exercise Modules and Packages

  • except Executing modules as scripts

build your own

Exercise Extract up-regulated function finder to module and then to package

Exercise (Optional) build your own fasta parser package

use pre-build modules

Which modules are frequently used?

Showcase bluetooth and ML in my python script


  • In Python, there is no existence of “Private” instance variables (Yeah, this is so OO...)
  • use robot class to introduce concept
  • use protein + domain classed to show
    • a class inside a class
    • encapsulation

Exercise Classes and Objects

Exercise implement robot class

Exercise let the up regulated genes finder return a list of Protein objects Exercise (Optional) let the fasta parser return a list of Protein objects


Depending on how much time we have, show a Robot with a light on its head


  • import re
  • phoneNumRegex = re.compile(r'\d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d') -> r = raw string?
  • Pass the string you want to search into the Regex object’s search() method. This returns a Match object.
  • Call the Match object’s group() (or groups()) method to return a string of the actual matched text
  • re.split() — Regular expression operations

Exercise find all upregulated [P|p]rotein\s+[K|k]inases


Git / GitHub in PyCharm

Exception Handling


  a = 5 / 0
except: # except ZeroDivisionError: 
else: # only if try does not cause an exception
  print("We did it!")
finally: # always executed
  print("And finished")


optional, depends on time

Exercise write documentation for function



Solve Rosalind tests.