
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of utils for golang


  1. Delta Of Binary Data
  2. Encoding
  3. Files Utilities
  4. Lists
  5. Optional
  6. Random

Delta Of Binary Data



Sha256 Encoding

Bytes Encoding

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"

func main() {
    var result []byte = encoding.Sha256EncodeBytes([]byte("Encoding This String to Bytes using sha256"))

String Encoding

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"

func main() {
    var result string = encoding.Sha256EncodeString("Encoding This String to String using sha256")

Sha512 Encoding

Bytes Encoding

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"

func main() {
    var result []byte = encoding.Sha512EncodeBytes([]byte("Encoding This String to Bytes using sha521"))

String Encoding

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"

func main() {
    var result string = encoding.Sha512EncodeString("Encoding This String to String using sha512")

Base64 Encoding

Bytes Encoding

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"

func main() {
    var result []byte = encoding.Base64EncodeBytes([]byte("Encoding This String to Bytes using Base64"))

String Encoding

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"

func main() {
    var result string = encoding.Base64EncodeBytes("Encoding This String to String using Base64")

Base64 Decoding

Bytes Decoding

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"

func main() {
    var result []byte = encoding.Base64DecodeBytes([]byte("RGVjb2RpbmcgVGhpcyBTdHJpbmcgdG8gQnl0ZXMgdXNpbmcgQmFzZTY0"))

String Decoding

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"

func main() {
    var result string = encoding.Base64DecodeString("RGVjb2RpbmcgVGhpcyBTdHJpbmcgdG8gU3RyaW5nIHVzaW5nIEJhc2U2NA")

Files Utilities




Add an item to the arraylist

func (al *ArrayList) Add(item interface{}) {}

Get the index of an item

func (al *ArrayList) IndexOf(item interface{}) int {}

Get the size of the arraylist

func (al *ArrayList) Size() int {}

Check if a list contains an item

func (al *ArrayList) Contains(item interface{}) bool {}

Clear the list

func (al *ArrayList) Clear() {}

Get an item given the index (Can panic if index is out of bound)

func (al *ArrayList) Get(index int) interface{} {}

Iterate over the array given an Iterator Function

func (al *ArrayList) Iterate(fun func(item interface{}, index int)) {}

Panic if the given index is OutOfBound

func (al *ArrayList) RangeCheck(index int) {}

Set an item into the arrayList in the given index (Can panic if index is out of bound)

func (al *ArrayList) Set(index int, item interface{}) {}

Remove an item in the given index (Can panic if index is out of bound)

func (al *ArrayList) RemoveIndex(index int) (item interface{}) {}

Remove an item from the arraylist

func (al *ArrayList) Remove(item interface{}) {}


import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/list"

func main() {
    // create a new arraylist
    var theList *list.ArrayList = list.NewArrayList()
    element1 := "An Item"
    element2 := "Another Item"
    // Add an item

    // Remove an item


    // Clear The List


If you know how many items you can fit into the arrayList you can create it with an initial size.

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/list"

func main() {
    // create a new arraylist
    var initialSize int = 100
    var theList *list.ArrayList = list.NewArrayListSize(initialSize)
    // do stuff with the arrayList

This improve a lot the timings when adding new elements.

Example: Adding 10.000.000 Items on the arrayList

  • List created with list.NewArrayList() timings: 783071 microSeconds

  • List created with list.NewArrayListSize(10000000) timings: 315598 microSeconds

You can see that creating the list with a known starting size is more efficient


As java documentation say 'A container object which may or may not contain a non-null value.'

Check if there is an item in the OptionalContainer

func (o *Optional) IsPresent() bool {}

Get the item in the OptionalContainer

func (o *Optional) Get() interface{} {}

Call the function if the item is presente into the OptionalContainer (Chainable)

func (o *Optional) IfIsPresent(f func(item interface{})) *Optional {}

Call the function if the item is NOT presente into the OptionalContainer (Chainable)

func (o *Optional) IfNotPresent(f func()) *Optional {}
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/optional"

func main() {
    // create a new arraylist
    var optional1 *optional.Optional = optional.Of(nil) // this will panic, cannot provide null items
    var optional2 *optional.Optional = optional.OfNullable(nil) // this is fine, null-Able, can contain a null var.

    optional1.IfIsPresent(func(item interface{}) {
        print("The Item is present ", item)

    optional1.IfNotPresent(func() {
        print("The Item is NOT present")

    // Or you can chain the functions
    optional1.IfIsPresent(func(item interface{}) {
		print("The Item is present ", item)
	}).IfNotPresent(func() { // here is the chained function.
		print("The Item is NOT present")


Used chars for random strings (safe and unsage):

  • 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-

Safe Randoms

Safe Random String

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/random"

func main() {
    length := 10 // string length
    var result string = random.GenerateSafeString(length)

Safe Random Integer

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/random"

func main() {
    var result1 int = random.RandomIntSafe(0, 100) // generate an int beetwen 0 and 100

    var result2 int = random.RandomInt64Safe(0, 100) // generate an int64 number beetwen 0 and 100

Unsafe Randoms

Unsafe Random String

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/random"

func main() {
    length := 10 // string length
    var result string = random.GenerateString(length)

Unsafe Random Integer

import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/random"

func main() {
    var result1 int = random.RandomInt(0, 100) // generate an int beetwen 0 and 100

    var result2 int = random.RandomInt64(0, 100) // generate an int64 number beetwen 0 and 100