
Primary LanguageC


your very first own library!

💡 About the project

This project is pretty straight forward. You will code a C library, you will need it later in the next projects.

  This project is about coding a C library.
  It will contain a lot of general purpose functions your programs will rely upon.


You will code the following functions:

 Part I:

 isalpha • isdigit • isalnum • isascii • isprint • strlen • memset • bzero • memcpy • memmove • strlcpy • strlcat
 toupper • tolower • strchr • strrchr • strncmp • memchr • memcmp • strnstr • atoi • calloc • strdup
 Part II:
 ft_substr • ft_strjoin • ft_strtrim • ft_split • ft_itoa • ft_strmapi • ft_striteri • ft_putchar_fd
 ft_putstr_fd • ft_putendl_fd • ft_putnbr_fd


You will code the following functions:

 ft_lstnew • ft_lstadd_front • ft_lstsize • ft_lstlast • ft_lstadd_back
 ft_lstdelone • ft_lstclear • ft_lstiter • ft_lstmap

For more detailed information, make sure to take a look at the project subject

✅ Final Score: 125/125