A multi platform vm with own assembly language.

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

MVM Tools

All mvm Tools

  • mvm: A VM, just like jvm.
  • masm: A Compiler that compiles the VM's Assembly language.
  • msm: Assembly language for the VM.
  • demasm: Disassembler for the bytecode.


A Virtual Machine capable of running bytecode, just like jvm. It is used to run programs generated by masm.


  • Stack size: 942
  • Turing Complete
  • Own asm language

> mvm.exe -i [input.mbc]

To see a list of all Flags type:

> mvm.exe -h


The Compiler that compiles msm to .mbc (Minimalistic byte code) files.

> masm.exe [input.vsm] [output.sbc]


The Disassembler for the bytecode generated by the masm compiler.

> demasm.exe [input.sbc]


Assembly language for the Virtual Machine.
msm has no registers and is there for completely stack based.
Also the maximum amount of operands is only one.

NOTE: For code examples see ./examples/.

ASM Instructions:

Instruction Arguments Description
push value Pushes a value on to the stack.
dup addr Duplicates the value at the given stack addr.
swap addr Swaps the top value and the value at the given addr.
drop NONE Removes the top value from the stack.
plusi stack: a, b Adds the top two values on the stack. (for integers)
minusi stack: a, b Subtracts the top two values on the stack. (for integers)
multi stack: a, b Multiplies the top two values on the stack. (for integers)
divi stack: a, b Divides the top two values on the stack. (for integers)
plusf stack: a, b Adds the top two values on the stack. (for floats)
minusf stack: a, b Subtracts the top two values on the stack. (for floats)
multf stack: a, b Multiplies the top two values on the stack. (for floats)
divf stack: a, b Divides the top two values on the stack. (for floats)
equal stack: a, b Pushes ZERO on the stack if the top two values are not equal, else it pushes ONE.
not stack: a Reverses the top value on the stack. e.g. 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 (for integers, 0-1)
geeqf a, b Pushes ZERO on the stack if the top value on the stack is grater or equal to the second value. (for floats)
geeqi a, b Pushes ZERO on the stack if the top value on the stack is grater or equal to the second value. (for integers)
leeqf a, b Pushes ZERO on the stack if the top value on the stack is less or equal to the second value. (for floats)
leeqi a, b Pushes ZERO on the stack if the top value on the stack is less or equal to the second value. (for integers)
jmp label or addr Jumps to the the given label or addr.
jmpif label or addr Jumps to the the given label or addr if the top value on the stack is ZERO.
call label or addr Jumps to the the given label or addr and pushes the addr from the instruction after the current instruction on to the stack.
ret stack: addr Jumps to the the given addr (top value on the stack).
int interruptAddr stack: args Generates a software interrupt and calls one of the interrupt functions pointed to by the given interruptAddr, the args are parsed from the stack.
hlt NONE Stops the execution.

Label definition:

You can define a label by writing the name followed by a colon. You are also able to write one instruction on the same line as the label definition as shown below.

;; Fibonacci example
%include "../msmlib/stdlib.mlb"

jmp main

; Iterations:
%define I 30

; Define a label:
    push 0
    push 1
    push I
; Define a label with instruction on same line:
loop: swap 2
      dup 0
      call println_u64
      dup 1
      swap 1
      swap 2
      push 1
      dup 0
      push 0
      jmpif loop

Call definition:

In msm calls are just like label jmps with the addition that you have to kep track of the return addr that is pushed one the stack by the call instruction.

%include "../msmlib/stdlib.mlb"

jmp main

%define A 10
%define B 5

;; Function that adds to nums togeter ;;
    swap 2 ; Swap the return addr to the bottom.
    swap 1
;; ---------------------------------- ;;

    push A
    push B
    call add ; Calls the functions
    ncall println_u64 ; Prints the result

Preprocessor directives:

Instruction Arguments Description
define name value Defines a constant with name name and value value
include path Includes a masm lib located at the given path.

In msm all directives start with a percent sign as shown below.


%include "../msmlib/stdlib.mlb"


%define NUMBER 420

The value can also be a string.

%define STRING "Some string.\n"

Software Tnterrupts:

Interrupt name Address args Description
print_char 0 ascii_code Prints the given ascii_code value as char to stdout.
print_f64 1 f64_value Prints the given f64_value value to stdout.
print_i64 2 i64_value Prints the given i64_value value to stdout.
print_u64 3 u64_value Prints the given u64_value value to stdout.
print_ptr 4 ptr Prints the given ptr value to stdout.
alloc 5 size Allocates a block of memory, returning a pointer to the beginning of the block.
free 6 ptr Deallocates a space previously allocated by alloc, using the given 'ptr' value.
mem_dump 7 ptr size Dumps the memory, starting from the given ptr up to ptr + size.
write 8 ptr str_size Writes a memory string to stdout.
readline 9 NONE Reads a line from stdin to the stack in reverse.

In msm interrupts are used as shown below. All args are parsed over the stack.

push 420
int 2 ; print_u64