
Perl wrapper for Net::Kestrel for talking to Bullfinch

Primary LanguagePerl


Net::Bullfinch - Perl wrapper for talking with Bullfinch


version 0.16


use Net::Bullfinch;

my $client = Net::Bullfinch->new(host => '');
my $req = { statement => 'some-query' };
my $items = $client->send(
    request_queue => 'test-net-kestrel',
    request => $req,
    response_queue_suffix => 'foobar'
foreach my $item (@{ $items }) {
    # whatever


Net::Bullfinch is a thin wrapper around Memcached::Client for communicating with a Bullfinch.

This module handles JSON encoding of the request, the addition of a response queue, waiting for a response, confirmation of the message, decoding of the response and deletion of the response queue.

If you're expecting large numbers of results you might enjoy using Net::Bullfinch::Iterator to return any given number of max_results at a time.


Bullfinch supports adding a tracing a request so that performance metrics and responses can be tracked.

my $items = $client->send(
    request_queue => 'test-net-kestrel',
    request => $req,
    response_queue_suffix => 'foobar'
    trace => 1

A UUID will be added to the request. This UUID will be included in the performance code in bullfinch workers and included in the response you receive.



The IP address of the host that we'll be connecting to.


The port of the IP address of the host we'll be connecting to.


The prefix used for the name of the response queue.


Set the timeout (in milliseconds) that will be used when awaiting a response back from Bullfinch.


Set an error explicitly when there is no response from bullfinch default behavior is false which will return them same empty array is for success or timeout on insert/delete/update statements


send( request_queue => $queue, request => \%data, response_queue_suffix => $response_name, process_by => $procby, expiration => $expire);

Send the request to the specified queue and await a response. The data should be a hashref and the queuename (optional) will be appended to response_prefix. This allows you to create a unique response queue per request.

# Response queue will be "response-net-kestrel-foobar"
my $items = $client->send(\%data, "foobar");

Any messages sent in response (save the EOF message) are returned as an arrayref to the caller.

The optional no_response will cause no response to be returned

The optional process_by must be an ISO 8601 date.

The optional expiration is the number of seconds this request should live in the queue before expiring.

Note: Send will die if it fails to properly enqueue the request.

iterate_async( request_queue => $queue, request => \%data, response_queue_suffix => $response_name, expiration => $expire, result_cb => \&cb, error_cb => \&err_cb);

Send the request to the specified queue asynchronously and register result_cb and error_cb to be called upon the arrival of any results or the occurence of an error, respectively.

The data should be a hashref and the queuename (optional) will be appended to response_prefix. This allows you to create a unique response queue per request.

Any messages received in response (save the EOF message) are passed to a call to the result_cb as the only argument.

The optional expiration is the number of seconds this request should live in the queue before expiring.

Encountering any errors, such as not being able to enqueue the request, will cause the error_cb to be invoked with a string describing the error as the only argument.

Note that this method returns immediately after enqueueing the request. It's the callers responsibility to run an AnyEvent compatible event loop in order for the enqueued request to actually be sent and the result callbacks to be invoked.



This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.